Ketu in Astrology


One of the nine planets, or grahas, in Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology, is Ketu. Since it just possesses energy to represent itself and lacks a physical body, it is referred to as a shadow planet. Ketu is a symbol of spiritual enlightenment, liberty, and disengagement from worldly desires in Vedic Astrology. It is also connected to mysticism, psychic skills, and intuition.

Seers considered Ketu to be the oldest planet since it was linked to Ganesha, the firstborn of the universe. It represents the beginning and the end of everything and is the starting point in the Vedic Dasha system. Ketu, symbolised by a banner or flag, is similar to Mars.

Imagine the domain of Ketu as an extension of that of Mars. While Ketu symbolises themes of vengeance and retaliation, he differs from Mars in that he harbours grudges for extended periods of time. As such, its Dasha or transit could produce different outcomes from Mars’.

Investigating solutions becomes essential to utilising Ketu’s beneficial effects. By using these therapies to counteract Ketu’s negative impacts, better results may result.

Additional facts about Ketu

  • As a malefic planet, Ketu is frequently associated with hardships, obstacles, and tribulations. However, its energy holds the key to spiritual development and metamorphosis.
  • Ketu, the moon’s governor of the south node, represents how a person’s current life is shaped by their past experiences and karmic imprints. Ketu is associated in the zodiac with Scorpio and the lunar houses of Magha, Mula, and Ashwini.
  • This heavenly energy is said to affect the feet, legs, and intestines, and it may also have an impact on mental health conditions, skin conditions, and digestive problems. People whose birth chart has a prominent Ketu placement are thought to be highly perceptive, naturally drawn to spiritual activities, and unattached to worldly demands.
  • Unexpected events, such as accidents, changes in fate, or spiritual awakenings, are also influenced by Ketu. Ketu’s negative effects can be lessened by remedies like worshipping Lord Ganesha or doing good deeds, while some gemstones, like cat’s eye, are said to be advantageous.
  • It has a significant influence on spiritual journeys, assisting people in distancing themselves from the physical world and highlighting spiritual aspects. Under Ketu’s influence, relationships show detachment, separation, and sudden ends, which frequently call for reflection and alone time.
  • Ketu is thought to guide one towards spiritual emancipation because of its strong placement, which is associated with moksha, or freedom from the cycle of birth and death. According to astrology, Ketu’s position in a birth chart predicts how it will emerge; strong placements suggest detachment, intuition, and spirituality, while lesser positions indicate difficulties dealing with negative influences or karmic obligations.
  • Rahu, the moon’s north node, and Ketu have a crucial link that represents complementary and opposing energies. Rahu represents materialism and desire, while Ketu represents spirituality and detachment. Together, they strike a balance between worldly goals and spiritual development.
  • Ketu is very important in Vedic Astrology and has a big influence on a person’s life path. Understanding its impact allows one to work towards self-realization and spiritual ascent while overcoming obstacles in life.


To counteract Ketu’s negative energy, think about giving candy to homeless and orphaned youngsters. Avoid using colours like red and coral, especially for clothing and accessories. Giving black-and-white plaid blankets to the underprivileged is a powerful way to address Ketu. Giving out mustard oil is another powerful way to combat Ketu’s evil influence.

Those negatively affected by Ketu’s energies may find comfort in taking care of pets, especially providing homeless dogs with a place to live. Accept that white and yellow are Ketu’s colours, and stay away from anything that is grayscale.

Since Ketu has a divine bond with Lord Ganesha, the best way to counteract Ketu’s negative influence is to appease the deity. Strong protection can be obtained by reciting the holy mantra “Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah” 108 times on Tuesdays or Thursdays. While 108 repeats of Ketu’s mantra is the usual for a single session, Sage Prashara recommends chanting the mantra 17,000 times.

Position yourself to face southwest during the recitation, and ideally, carry a picture of Lord Ganesha with you. Dogs have an enhanced sense of smell because Ketu rules the sense of smell. They can see ghosts and other apparitions in the astral plane. Serving and taking care of dogs is therefore recommended as a treatment to offset Ketu’s negative characteristics.

Purifying Bath Ritual

Incorporate Kusha grass into your bath water to get ready for a cleansing bath ritual that is connected to Ketu. Apply this cure in the wee hours of Tuesday. As you perform this meditation, concentrate on Lord Ketu. By performing this ceremony, Ketu’s auspiciousness is increased, which may result in more favourable outcomes. By using this medication regularly during the Dasha period, you might be able to overcome your difficulties.

Donation of items

In order to attract good fortune, think about giving objects associated with Ketu. You can donate wool, mustard oil, and a black or blue blanket on Saturdays. If you are unable to provide all of the items listed, just mustard oil will do. Donate what you can afford to, and don’t take out loans to fund this.

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