Want to know Saturn’s effect and Remedy?


Astrology shows us the vital role of planets in building an individual’s life. The celestial bodies are arranged in such a manner in our Astrological charts that we get the experience towards our future potential. It intricately influences our views and thoughts to perceive our future. In which direction our life will flow can be analysed with the positions of these planets in our horoscope. Planets which are posited in a good position indicate that the native will get good results and on the other hand, the ill-placed planets produce a negative impact on our lives. Therefore, treating these planets that are placed badly and yield negative results in our lives is essential. Generally, four planets are called malefic in Astrology. These are Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Mars.

Planet Saturn

The aim of this article is to aware people of the harmfulness of the planet Saturn placed in different houses. A few Karaktatwas of Saturn will also be discussed simultaneously. A remedy is provided to reduce its malefic effect. In a nutshell, Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system. The Hindu Mythology denotes that it is the son of the planet Sun. Chaya is the mother of this planet so Saturn is also known as Chaya-putra. Saturn is a highly significant planet in Vedic Astrology, frequently praised as the master of justice and karma. Known as Shani, it is infamous for being a malefic planet that is thought to bring about both difficult and life-changing periods. According to my knowledge, Saturn is a planet which causes suffering but the intensity of suffering depends upon the degree of the quality of work that we have rendered in this birth and our past lives. Where Saturn is posited it is believed that we shall suffer the matters related to that position as karmic debt is connected to that position that arrived from the Karma of our past life and we are here to release such debt by suffering.

Impact Of Saturn in Different Houses

In Astrology, there exist 12 houses and 9 planets. In this brief discussion, I shall try to emphasise the planet Saturn and its position in 12 houses.

Saturn in the 1st house

The 1st house represents self, health, longevity, appearance etc. Saturn is a planet of obstacles, sadness, discipline, restrictions, sorrow, grief etc. Saturn in the 1st house denotes the low self-esteem of a person. Troubles and insecurities will prevail in the mind. However, he can be swift to do his/her brain function although laziness can also arise.

Saturn in the 2nd House

The second house denotes the survival of a person so for survival a person needs to have food in his/her life. So the 2nd house speaks about the food habits of a person. Also, accumulation, speech and a few more things are associated with the 2nd house. Saturn in the 2nd house gives wealth to a person slowly and gradually as this planet shows slowness.

Saturn in the 3rd House

The 3rd house represents communication, courage, short travel etc. Some communication issues will arise if Saturn is posited in the 3rd house. The person would like to visit any nearby old temple as this planet denotes old things. Any misfortune incident while travelling or occurrence of loss may arise owing to short travel.

Saturn in the 4th House

This house appears for mother, peace of mind, family happiness, property etc. Therefore, peace of mind can be hampered owing to the presence of Saturn in this place. Mother’s health can be affected. She may be ailing for joint pain.

Saturn in the 5th House

This house acts for child-related issues, creativity, mind games, sports etc. Therefore, Saturn in this place makes a person sharp to perceive anything swiftly but at the same time, he/she will show laziness in taking action or its fast implementation. One important aspect of Saturn is that generally where it sits it increases the karaktatwas of that house. At the same time, it will also have an ill effect due to its own nature.

Saturn in the 6th House

This house denotes health issues, enmity, debt, services etc. Those who have Saturn in this house will get an opportunity of service. However, he/she will find a delay in getting a job. Diligence is the mantra of service. There might be a delay in sanctioning of the loan. Maintaining work ethics, attention to detail and responsibilities are the keys here.

Saturn in the 7th House

This house represents relationships, businesses, partnerships etc. Saturn is the karaka of delay and old age. Generally, Saturn in this house denotes that delayed marriage will take place or the bride or groom will be old. Relationship issues also can take place. Those who are in business find themselves in hardship.

Saturn in the 8th House

This house is associated with excretory organs in our body from where waste is excreted. It means the 8th house denotes dejected substances in our body which can be connected to disgrace, degradation etc. Saturn is a planet of grief so the position of Saturn in this house is not good. However, the longevity of a person increases as Saturn denotes slowness and the 8th house is considered the house of death.

Saturn in the 9th House

Embarking on this house Saturn might bring a hard relationship with Father. This house is also connected to judgment and Saturn acts like a judge but harshness is there in such judgment. This house is known for our fortune and it unfolds its betterment for the native in the latter period of life if such a person sincerely works hard and gains blessings from the old person and obviously from his father.

Saturn in the 10th House

This house shows our recognition in the society where we belong. This kind of recognition comes from the work where are associated. Saturn is called the Karmakaraka planet. Therefore, in this place, Saturn gives better results if the natives work hard.

Saturn in the 11th House

Strain relationships can be formed with elderly mates. If a person has Saturn in the 11th position works sincerely then he can manage to fulfil his/her wish. He can achieve popularity, gains, and authority. However, despair may occur in the case of a love affair.

Saturn in the 12th House

The last house is a house of loss and expenses. Hidden enemies are also seen in this house. Saturn in such a position is not considered good as a native can see many negative facets in this house. Accidental losses and separation from the family occur due to such a position.


There are several remedies found in Astrology related to Saturn. One such effective remedy is called 8 walk theory. The 8 Walk, is where you walk in an 8-shaped pattern and the 8 shape is formed by joining two imaginary circles. It will activate all the internal chakras together with internal organs. It aids digestion and releases blocked energy inside the body. Regular practice for 10 minutes at the same schedule will definitely help to active the Planet Saturn orderly. God bless.   Contact me : 9051253390


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