Want to overcome debt?



In this discussion, we get to know why debt occurs in one’s life and how to get rid of the debt burden from our lives. Here the word ‘Debt’ refers to financial debt. The question is how such a debt arises in one’s life. Debt is created whenever anyone borrows money. For example, when we use credit cards it means we borrow money from Bank or any financial institution. Likewise, when we take money from anyone we owe it to that person for repayment. Therefore, debt is a sort of loan and such a loan caters to several purposes of us. It may be a business loan, education loan, home loan, personal loan, vehicle loan etc. Taking such a loan and paying it off at the right time is absolutely desirable but sometimes we notice that failure of repayment happens one’s life. Moreover, the burden of loans increases day by day for many people. Astrology is a wonderful way that tell us about such a burden of loan. Under which period such burden will increase and most importantly whether a person becomes capable of paying off such loan and freeing himself from the loan trap.

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Astrological Connection for Repayment of Debt

Generally, if the script of 12 cuspal sub-lord shows 5,8,12 then a person can free himself/herself from the debt. However, it is necessary to attain a favourable period for such freedom from debt. The negative influence of the malefic planets also debar a person to remove such a problem.

Mis-playing Planets for Debt Problems

Through planetary alignments, astrology frequently provides interpretations and insights into a variety of life elements, including finances. Astrological principles suggest that financial concerns are influenced differently by Mars, Saturn, and Rahu.

Debt Problem by Mars

It is true that Mars, the sign of bravery and impulsivity, can influence financial choices. Its position in a birth chart may suggest a propensity for hurried decisions and reckless spending, which could result in debt. People with a strong Mars placement may take risks, sometimes without giving the implications enough thought, which can lead to financial difficulties. Nonetheless, direction and wise choices can aid in successfully navigating these inclinations. It is often noticed that when the planet Mars is posited in the 6th house it brings the bad influence of debt. Also, if the Ascendant lord posited in the 6th house makes any connection with Mars it also creates Debt. The connection between 6th and 8th house plus Mars may lead to bankruptcy.

Debt Problem by Saturn

Saturn’s influence, which is frequently linked to struggles and lessons learned, can have an effect on one’s financial circumstances. A malefic Saturn placement may exacerbate debts and other financial issues, giving the impression that managing money is an ongoing struggle. This effect may impart important knowledge about fiscal responsibility and self-control.

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Debt Problem by Rahu

Given its reputation for being elusive, Rahu may make things more difficult financially. Its unfavourable influence or awkward placement could cause confusion and result in difficult financial issues. Rahu’s involvement, especially in the 8th house, can indicate difficulties that complicate one’s financial situation, including as legal troubles and bankruptcy.

While astrological readings might provide light on possible trends and effects, they shouldn’t be used to set firm rules. In order to manage and prevent debt, personal responsibility, prudent financial planning, and deliberate decision-making are still essential. Although planetary positions may suggest inclinations, financial results are largely shaped by individual accountability and well-informed decision-making.

How to Overcome Debt Problem?

Astrology may be a helpful financial advisor, providing guidance on the best times to spend, pay back, and make loan contributions. People who make financial decisions based on astrological principles may be able to reduce their debt faster and pay off their loans sooner, which will help them maintain long-term financial stability.

Here are some tips for coordinating your financial decisions with astrology for successful results:

Movement of Sun

There is much auspiciousness inside the six-hour interval preceding and following the Sun’s Sankranti movement between signs. This time frame is thought to be quite advantageous for debt settlement. Paying off debts on Sankranti is thought to help you make the most of the day’s energies, which could speed up the payback process. During this period, it is believed that even a modest payment will result in a quicker settlement.

Treatment with the help of Mars

The day of Tuesday, which is ruled by Mars, is lucky for paying off debt and making loan repayments. Astrologically speaking, the sixth house is related to money, and Mars is the significator or ruling planet of this house. Performing debt-repayment-related tasks during Mars hora, or the hour controlled by Mars, is thought to be particularly useful.

Moon Transit on 12th House

12th house is the house of loss and the planet Moon signifies liquid cash so using such a day for repaying the loan is possible. A charitable donation on this day is a good remedy to reduce the ill effect of debt. It is required selfless spending, especially when it can benefit and/or uplift others would be a key way to spend on this day to combat the 12 house signification of loss.

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