Self Care This Year


Life can get too much to handle amid the maelstrom of our daily schedules and never-ending activities. We are familiar with the concept of self-care—those indulgent times spent with luxurious face masks, tranquil relaxation sessions, and bubble baths. However, did you realise that there are everyday self-care practices worth investigating in ancient wisdom? The ancient notion of self-care is based on the idea that our body and mind are intertwined. Vedic astrology reinforces this idea by emphasising the inextricable connection between our mind-body complex and the greater cosmos. We can cultivate a more positive relationship with ourselves by adopting consistent self-care routines and aligning with cosmic rhythms. In the end, this helps us live lives that are more balanced and peaceful. Here are five steps that will have a lot of impact on our lives in the coming days. These tips seamlessly weave self-care into our everyday routine.

people on top of hill under white clouds golden hour photography

Honor Aditya

Honor the Aditya connected to where Sun is placed in your horoscope. The relationship between our overall health and the signs of the zodiac is explored in Vedic astrology. We can harness celestial forces that support vitality, vigour, and harmony in our lives by participating in ceremonies that honour the Aditya associated with our Sun sign. Every sign in the zodiac is associated with an Aditya, which is a unique form of Lord Vishnu, also known as The Maintainer, who takes the form of the Sun God. These twelve angelic beings stand for various aspects of life and plenty in the corporeal world. Honouring the Aditya linked to the sign in which your Sun is located will help you improve your overall health because the Sun is a key indicator of strong vitality and health.

Pursue Meditation

The foundation of meditation is the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are what ultimately shape our reality. We can attract pleasant experiences, including well-being and good health, into our lives by focusing on happy thoughts and feelings. Here’s a short manual:

  1. Set Specific Intentions

    : Identify your goals for your well-being and see yourself achieving them. Affirmations in the present tense, such as “I am healthy” or “My body radiates strength,” can strengthen these goals. This exercise is especially effective when the body and mind are deeply relaxed. Under the guidance of – Meditation Guru Manoj Sree Bhanj, you can investigate the Vedic Body Scan.

    Intention-setting is introduced in this session along with a guided lying-down relaxation. You can get the Meditation course on

  2. Course

    : The goal of the course is to use the Law of Attraction to attract prosperity and good health into your life. Why not give it a try and experience its life-changing powers for yourself? Find out whether it speaks to you!

    Buy this course. Click here

  3. Imagine

    : Continually picture yourself in the best possible health, engaging in activities that reflect your ideal state of well-being.

  1. Foster Appreciation

    : Value your existing health and well-being, celebrating any progress, no matter how small. Put your attention on replacing your negative ideas and thoughts with empowering statements and visualisations. Meditating can help you become more adept at observing your thoughts and removing the ones that are impeding your progress.

  2. Make Purposeful Moves

    : Strive to improve your health while keeping a pleasant outlook. Consume nourishing meals that support your body and maintain a healthy exercise schedule, even if it entails a daily 20-30-minute meditation practice. By adopting these traditional methods, you’re cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness and inner peace in addition to accessing ancestral wisdom. Therefore, set aside sometime every day to reflect, ponder, and perform these holy rites in order to foster well-being in your life.

Wise Up

Including traditional knowledge in your regular self-care routines can have a significant positive impact on your general well-being. Positive and inspiring thoughts set the tone for the day and enable us to overcome any mental barriers we may have built on ourselves. This exercise prepares us for the day ahead and cultivates a resilient and adaptive mindset in the face of life’s challenges.

One option to include wisdom in your morning routine is to read motivational quotes or spiritual text passages. Look through sites like to find informative and effective videos. You should also think about keeping a notebook to reflect on the knowledge you have received and set goals for the day. Time well spent feeding your intellect with knowledge leads to increased self-awareness, inner strength, and personal development.

Utilisation of Moon

According to Vedic astrology, the Moon rules our thoughts and feelings, so it’s important to include its influence in our self-care practices. Understanding and negotiating our emotional landscape is made easier by keeping an eye on the Moon’s phases.

Chandrashtama, which happens when the Moon moves into the eighth house from our natal Moon sign, is an important aspect of the Moon’s cycle. We may become more emotionally unstable or vulnerable at this phase.

Moon alignment is facilitated by practices like intention-setting, moon bathing, and meditation during the New and Full Moon phases. These rituals enable us to let go of things that no longer serve us and welcome new chances for personal development and discovery. We may create a more balanced and peaceful life and become more adept at navigating the ebb and flow of our emotions by incorporating the Moon’s wisdom into our self-care routine.

  1. Buy this course. Click here

Following Morning Ritual

Participating in Surya Namaskar on a regular basis can help maintain a healthier body weight and help control weight. This exercise provides a complete workout, increasing metabolism, improving digestion, and burning calories. Frequent workouts can help maintain a healthy body weight and help lose excess weight. This technique aids in coordinating your activities with astrologically potent moments, permitting a focus on vital work during these intervals and setting apart Silence Moments for gentler pursuits like meditation or leisurely walks. You create a daily balance between work and play by dedicating just a few minutes a day to this practice, which is essential to any self-care endeavour. Why not explore this habit for a few days? Observe whether you detect improvements in your productivity without compromising your well-being—a fundamental aspect of your self-care expedition.

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