Rahu and Ketu in Hindu Astrology

According to Vedic astrology, the planets and stars—tangible objects whose presence is discernible in the cosmic tapestry—are closely connected to human form. But Rahu and Ketu are two planetary entities mentioned in Hindu astrology that don’t have a physical form. These celestial bodies, which are frequently thought of as malevolent entities, have specific functions in astrological interpretations. Rahu is a planet that is sometimes called an abstract entity and is known to cause eclipses. Rahu and Ketu are seen in Hindu mythology as dark beings and are both regarded as malevolent planets. Traditional beliefs hold that starting any kind of auspicious endeavour during “Rahu Kala” is unlucky.

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Technical notes on Nodes 

Rahu and Ketu travel around the planet for eighteen years, always keeping a 180-degree distance from one another. On the ecliptic plane of the earth, this alignment corresponds to the lunar ascending and descending nodes. In addition to being the north and south lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu also symbolise the locations where the trajectories of the Sun and Moon cross. According to mythology, eclipses happen when the Sun and Moon line up with these nodes, creating the picture of a snake swallowing the Sun and Moon. In this astrological story, solar eclipses are ascribed to Rahu. In Vedic Astrology, dread, disappointment, perplexity, and obsession are subjugated when Rahu is placed in the kundali. It has close ties to the occult sciences as well. Like its counterpart Ketu, Rahu is seen as an enemy of the Sun and the Moon, which is why astrologers classify it as a malefic planet.

Introduction of Rahu and Ketu Occupying 6/12

Ketu and Rahu represent the opposite extremities of spiritual underdevelopment or progress, respectively, as well as the extremes of financial success or adversity. Both have the capacity to produce results that are tangible and spiritual. The 6th house, which is related to imbalance, reflects the mysteries and losses of the 12th house. The two houses, sometimes referred to as the houses of turbulence or dusham-sthan, are closely related. The sixth house, though it is a house of imbalance, is also an upchaya house, meaning that its consequences tend to get better with age.

Ketu in 6 and Rahu in 12

It is noted that Rahu needs to completely submerge itself in the mysterious domain in the 12th house. This Rahu is poised on the edge, vacillating between the conscious and subconscious domains, the physical and astral planes, and the spiritual and material realms. Rahu’s exploration of other regions, odd experiences, former incarnations, alternate dimensions, seclusion, fantasies, sorrows, luxury, deprivations, dreams, visions, captivity, and freedom are all prompted by this dynamic, which can develop quickly and in peculiar ways. Rahu’s house becomes the centre of attention, directing the whole chart as the individual seeks out new experiences. Rahu is a subtle placement in the 12th, possibly signifying incarceration, addictions, and a fatalistic outlook, particularly when influenced by negative qualities.

Significances of House 12 and Rahu

Extreme outcomes are likely when 12th house themes are appealing during the 18-year Rahu Mahadasha. Energy conservation is encouraged by a robust fifth house. When Rahu in the 12th is properly oriented, the Pisces sign and Jupiter can gently encourage interest in spiritual development and meditation. Spiritual instructors may be able to provide assistance to individuals with this placement. Fanaticism may arise, thus caution is urged when it comes to substance misuse and blind allegiance to established religions. To overcome obstacles, one should practise focused mental focus and personal prayer.

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Ketu in house 6

Advantages of Rahu in the 12th include the potential for relocation, income from overseas, and achievement in careers that are not visible to the public. Scientific, occult, and research advances are all made possible by intuitive intelligence. Still, maintaining integrity is essential to long-term success. Rahu’s placement is complemented by Ketu in the sixth house, which may have favourable effects when aspected by benefics. This Ketu does well in independent work contexts, although overstretching should be avoided. People with this placement are characterised by a strong sense of personal work ethic, moral behaviour, and resistance to deviation. Even if disagreements could occur, they never waver in their beliefs.

People with Ketu in the 6th house may be surrounded by enemies, ghosts, and astral problems, but their natural ignorance offers them a unique defence. On the other hand, excessive ignorance might cause issues during certain dasha periods or transits. Unfavourable outcomes can show themselves as inconsistent work, unexplained illnesses, karmic repercussions from previous lives, resistance, foes, and debts. Overwork can lead to health problems, including difficulties getting proper medical care. Potential hazards include depression, trust concerns, and a vulnerability to the stories of others. In the difficult combination of the 6th and 12th houses, it is important to balance the energies of the 12th house Rahu and the 6th house Ketu. This is because being conscious of their impacts can help navigate their malefic inclinations.

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