Astrology: Movement of Planets: Time: Purpose

Zodiac SignsAstrology for Beginners


Astrology is a belief system that proposes a relationship between happenings on Earth and the locations of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, as well as individual features and attributes. Studying the locations of these celestial objects and their alleged effects on natural phenomena and human affairs is an age-old profession. Birth charts, which show the positions of the planets at the moment of a person’s birth, are a frequent tool used in astrology to forecast or shed light on relationships, events in life, and personality traits. Its scientific legitimacy is debatable, though, as it defies accepted scientific wisdom and isn’t supported by any actual data.

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How Movement of Planets Influence Astrology

All horoscopes are sky charts that are computed using astronomical principles. This graphic displays the planets and zodiacal signs in relation to the earth. These jobs are not permanent, though. If that were the case, no more calculations would be required to determine the positions of the celestial planets. The study of astrology and astronomy would be meaningless if the planets’ effects on Earth never changed. Every point in the northern sky may be seen from anywhere in the northern half of the world once a day, since the Earth rotates around its axis once every 24 hours, while every star in the southern sky rises and sets daily in every part of the southern half of our planet. Because the rates at which Earth and its sister planets orbit the sun differ, their relative positions are ever-changing. Every day, the heavens are different. When you read this, the planets will not be in the same position for approximately 26,000 years—a time that astronomers refer to as a “Great Sidereal Year”—when the planets are in their current configuration. Since a planet can change in an endless number of ways, its effect depends on the time of a person’s birth, making time a crucial component of astrology.

Time and its Influence Over Astrology

It’s also evident that different countries have different time zones. In one place, the sun rises in the morning, but in another, it sets in the evening. This difference becomes evident when you consider how the sun’s rays affect Earth differently at dawn, noon, and midnight, resulting in various horoscopes for children born at the same time but in different parts of the world. A planet’s rays would impact a youngster directly and unhindered if it were situated immediately above the infant’s birthplace. However, a planet’s placements and effects would differ for children born concurrently but in different parts of the world. For the rays from the stars to reach the other child born on the other side of the planet, they have to pass straight through Earth, just like radio waves pass through mountains. However, as they travel, some of the energy in these rays is lost, so the youngster is affected less strongly. As such, planets that are located below Earth have less of an impact on life than planets that are located above. Time and location therefore become essential components of a horoscope. The more precisely we identify them, the more accurate we are in describing personality traits and projecting future events.

Accuracy in Determining Time of Birth

It’s important to record children’s birth timings with the highest level of precision possible. Astrology defines the birth moment as the instant the baby cries for the first time, indicating that their first breath has been completed. This is different from the time of birth. Subtle star vibrations permeate the blood and permeate every part of the little organism as air enters the lungs. These waves leave their mark on every atom and memory cell, making up the first lasting impression that a person has throughout their lifetime. This long-lasting impression is unaffected by the ongoing movement of atoms, much like a scar on the body. The first cosmic impulse is stored in the seed-atom, also referred to as the memory centre, which is located inside the heart. It is the blueprint for the Etheric Matrix, which controls how atom components are rebuilt during this lifetime. As such, the stardust that is present at birth continues to have a strong effect throughout one’s life. Similar to the way ocean currents carry driftwood, these celestial influences serve as compelling forces that direct and reposition us.

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Purpose of Astrology

Astrology seeks to shed light on these forces and to demonstrate that, with enough willpower, we can direct our lives to follow the natural rules of the universe. It helps us to navigate life’s path in accordance with these values, as well as helping others.

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