Birth date wise how will be your 2024

What 2024 Brings To You Numerologically


Numerology allows people to understand their life purpose, strengths, and weaknesses by examining the unique vibrations and energies associated with each number. It also offers advice on important life decisions including choosing a career, finding a life mate, and handling money investments.

There are nine primary numbers in numerology from 1 to 9, which are called the foundation of this subject. Likewise, the dates between 1 to 9 under which any person is born bear special features in their life. We are trying to discuss the significance of each such number this year. But it is required to know first 2024 comes under which number in numerology. 2024 = 2+0+2+4 = 8. Therefore, 2024 denotes the number 8. We will try to narrate what kind of things may occur to each individual whose birth number comes under 1 to 9 and also some valid and useful recommendations will be given to overcome the adversities.

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A person whose Date of birth is 1

Those who are born on dates like 1,10,19,28 of any month come under the vibration of 1. Why do we consider 10 or 19 or 28 as 1? It is because when we bring these numbers into a single digit we get a single digit which is number 1. 10 = 1+0=1; 19 = 1+9=10= 1+0=1 and so on. Likewise, from now onwards for any double-digit number we have to shift the same into a single digit. Secondly, another important aspect is that both numerology and astrology are correlated. Likewise, each number from 1 to 9 denotes a particular planet. In this case, number 1 denotes the planet called Sun. [In astrology Sun is considered a planet ] The single digit of the year 2024 is 8 which is explained previously in this article. Number 8 is represented by Saturn which is an inimical planet of number 1 as in the Vedic Jyotish Sun and Saturn are inimical with each other.


These people will face difficulties for sure. Especially for their family life and professional life, they will face several challenges. Secondly, the father of the native may face health-related problems. Since the planet Sun represents Government, therefore, any kind of Government-related suffering may arise in front of these natives. However, some good things are also awaiting them as in this year they may see some financial prosperity. Financial gains might be possible although health issues might occur in this year. On the professional side, hard work will bring success gradually.

When Date of Birth is 2.

Those who are born on either the dates 2,11,20,29 come under the purview of the number 2. It means the vibration of the number 2 becomes active on them. The planet moon represents the number 2. Therefore, we can see how the natives of number 2 will spend this year. It is a well-known fact in astrology that the planet Moon has a friendly relationship with Saturn because Saturn considers the Moon its enemy. From this fact, it is easily understandable that the person born under this date will face a few adverse moments this year.


These people will be under mental stress. There is a high possibility of facing joint pains during this year. In particular, an old age person may face this health issue. The natives are prone to suffer in the waist region or beneath it. Suffering from back pain can be possible. Those who do not yet eat any medicines can start to buy medicines. A part of their earnings will be used for purchasing medicines. However, the natives can have financial gain this year. But mental tension will be there throughout the year. They will make the wrong decision for hastiness. Do avoid stale food.


When Date of Birth is 3.

Those who are born on either the dates 3,12,21,30 come under the purview of the number 3. It means the vibration of the number 3 becomes active on them. The planet Jupiter represents the number 3. This year, for such a native, brings a combined effect of Jupiter and Saturn.


The native may be involved in litigation this year. However, he may get favourable results related to such court results. Those who are already undergoing court cases this year become favourable for them. The person can get interest to learn occult science and those who possess such a connection can perceive that they are getting interest to learn occult sciences. This time is also good for doing so. Whatever field he/she chooses under occult science he/she can do well. Learning any kind of education becomes a good opportunity for these natives. For those who want to pursue higher study, this year would be a fruitful year for them. Hard work is needed for financial gain. Overall, this year will prove to be a smooth year for these natives.

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When Date of Birth is 4.

This number is like a symbol of uncertainty. The planet Rahu is represented by this number. Infinite things may occur to the person who is born on either 4/13/22/31. When there comes a link between numbers 4 and 8 it creates a blast. Rahu tends to misdirect you. Your conscious effort is required to curb any kind of thoughts that can misdirect you and direct you towards misleading.


Throughout 2024 careful driving is an essential factor for the person born under the vibration of 4. Otherwise, there will be a fair chance that they will have any type of accident this coming year i.e. 2024. Thinking of some unexpected losses can occur in the mind of the native. A high possibility is there for facing losses against investment of money. It is advisable to avoid any kind of trading related to the share market. Moreover, those who are eager to invest their money in the stock market should keep them at bay from such investments. However, sudden lump sum profit may also arise during this period as the number 4 indicates unexpected events in one’s life and such unexpected results can be the outcome owing to the unexpected karaktatwa of Rahu. The planet Rahu also brings grief after luring a person to gain huge amounts of profits or wish fulfilment. Some harmful people around us show friendly gestures but later unlock their real nature and harm us severely. This is none but Rahu’s effect. Therefore, a person who belongs to number 4 should beware such kind of harmful people.

When Date of Birth is 5.

Those who are born on dates like 5,14,23 of any month come under the vibration of 5. The planet Mercury is connected to this number. Therefore, the year 2024 brings a connection between the planet Mercury and Saturn.


Those who are pursuing studies should invest more time as they are going to face some hardship. The aspirant job seekers also find this time challenging to get a new job this year. Those who learn astrology will imbibe this subject greatly. These natives will get stuck in money matters. Avoid any sort of big investments. Before commencing any business do a proper analysis of budgets and earnings. On a positive note, you will notice that your intelligence will increase this year.

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When Date of Birth is 6.

6, 15, and 24 are those dates that come under the vibration of 6 which represents the influence of the planet Venus. The combined effect of 6 and 2024 i.e. 8 reveals that the forthcoming year will be challenging for the number 6 natives. However, they will find success in the end. They will see financial gains and at the same time, they will also experience some health issues. The elder member of the family will be under any health issues. The native should take care of his/her own health and family members too. Wastage of money related to any health issue can be a sure shot which should not be overlooked. Beware of any joint pain which may duly occur during this year.

When Date of Birth is 7.

Those born on dates like 7,16,25 of any month come under the vibration of 7. The planet Ketu is connected to this number. Therefore, the year 2024 brings a connection between the planet Ketu and Saturn. This is a year to provide hard labour on the work front and undertake lots of responsibilities. The native can acquire a good position in his/her work field. This is a year for great career development but too much engagement in the career may weaken the stability of relationships at home and the native might get feelings of isolation in his/her home. Too much indulgence in the work may bring separation from his/her spouse due to lack of attention on him/her. Some problems might occur among the kids and elder members of the family. In business hard work will definitely bring a good margin of profits.

When Date of Birth is 8.

Any native born on either 8 or 17 or 26 of any month ought to be connected to the number 8. Therefore, both numbers are common. Number 8 is influenced by the planet Saturn. Struggle in this year is for sure. But, in the end, success will also be on the fore. Financially this year is promising for the native. However, a lack of smoothness will also be there. Gaining of name, fame and recognition are also on the cards this year. Simultaneously, he/she can be smeared with a bad reputation and such a kind of thing may crop up unnecessarily. Facing challenges either obtaining a new job or starting a new business will be an issue factor this year. It is advisable that those who are in a job or doing any kind of business should cling to it and not try to start something new this year.

When Date of Birth is 9.

Any native bearing either 9 or 18 or 27 as their birth number is influenced by the number 9 which denotes the planet Mars. This year will be a mixture of difficulties and progress. You will earn respect this year. Cohesiveness with spouse will be deteriorated. Improvement in this aspect is assured if a native follows simple steps. When the number 9 clashes with the number 8 then there is a high chance of the arrival of the health issues.



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