Pitro Dosh – Remedy

Pitro Dosh The blessings and curses bestowed upon us by our ancestors both have a significant influence on our life. Through their blessings, we might enjoy happiness and success in life when our forefathers show us love. On the other hand, ancestral defects might cause new ancestral faults in the lineage if they arise for … Read more

Spiritual Awakening | Vedic Philosophy | Hinduism |

Introduction –Spiritual Awakening A significant experience known as spiritual awakening is frequently characterised as a sense of inner growth and transformation, a profound comprehension of the meaning of existence, or a close connection to the divine. It can offer a deeper comprehension of one’s purpose and the meaning of life, as well as a sense … Read more

Eager about Meditation? Like to use it in Purnima?

Why Meditation? Through meditation, set out on a path to inner peace and a deep understanding of your mind. A happier, easier, and more contented existence can be had by following this road. When you start practising meditation on a personal level, you’ll quickly discover why it has such profound transformational effects. Recall that no … Read more