Colour Therapy in Jyotish


An intriguing aspect of astrology is colour therapy, which uses colour to improve mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This ancient method is based on the idea that different colours have different vibrational frequencies that can affect a person’s energy and feelings. Using this technique, healers and astrologers recommend particular hues to address a range of emotional and physical issues. Colour therapy, which can range from vibrant reds to calming blues and greens, has a profound impact on our lives by promoting balance, healing, and harmony. Explore the colourful world of colour therapy and discover the secrets of the spectrum.


Relationship – Colours and Jyotish

According to astrology, colours can either magnify or lessen the effects of various planets; this technique is known as “colour remedies.” Since each planet is associated with a distinct colour, its impact can be reinforced by utilising that particular shade. For example, white serves to lessen Venus’s influence, whereas yellow amplifies the power of the Sun. In astrology, colour therapy is the application of particular colours to enhance planetary effects with the intention of balancing and healing energies. It combines colour analysis with astrological remedies to help people overcome a range of obstacles in life. Every colour has a corresponding wavelength and energy frequency that can be used to provide therapeutic effects in different parts of the body. Red, for example, is said to stimulate blood flow and strengthen immunity, whilst blue is supposed to reduce.

Colours and Chakras

Astrology is the source of colour therapy, a traditional therapeutic technique that has been valued for ages by people from a wide range of countries. It is predicated on the idea that each colour has unique energetic qualities that can affect the body’s chakras, or energy centres. Experts in the field, such as astrologers and healers, use particular hues to balance and revitalise the body’s inherent energy flow, promoting overall wellbeing on all levels—physical, mental, and spiritual.

Each colour creates a symphony of effects by meticulously matching to a certain chakra or energy centre within the body. Red, for example, is associated with the root chakra, which is tucked away at the base of the spine and provides solidity and foundation. Orange, on the other hand, is associated with the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower belly and fosters passion and creativity. In the meantime, yellow promotes self-esteem and confidence by harmonising with the solar plexus chakra in the upper abdomen. The heart chakra, which is located in the middle of the chest, converges with green, which nurtures love and compassion.

The voyage of transformation persists as blue harmonises with the throat chakra, augmenting self-expression and communication in the throat region. When indigo is combined with the third eye chakra in the middle of the forehead, it enhances spiritual awareness and intuition. Last but not least, violet promotes enlightenment and spiritual connection by lining up with the crown chakra on top of the head. Colour therapy can take many different forms: wearing coloured clothing or accessories, receiving coloured light therapy, or immersing oneself in a room filled with selected colours. Every path provides a means of accepting the many impacts and advantages of this transforming activity.

Colours in Vedic Jyotish

According to Indian Vedic astrology, every planet has a distinct association with a particular colour that is thought to correspond with its own energies and influences. These colours are quite powerful, especially when choosing jewellery, clothing, and other objects that try to balance or enhance the good impacts of the planets. Moreover, colours have an impact on our feelings and mood, and colour therapy can help us achieve emotional balance and harmony. For example, the colour green represents harmony and balance, which promotes feelings of peace and relaxation, whereas the colour yellow represents happiness and optimism, which uplifts our emotions and instills a positive outlook

Here’s a peek at the colours that are typically associated with planets in Vedic astrology:

Sun : The aura and vitality of the Sun are matched by radiant and blazing colours like vivid red, golden yellow, and deep range.

Moon : The serene and calming effect of the Moon is reflected by the embrace of soft, cold tones like white, light blue, silver, and pearl colours.

Mars: Vibrant, blazing hues that accentuate the red, coral, deep orange, and pink undertones are in harmony with Mars’s ardent vitality.

Mercury : Energetic and expressive colours like green, light green, and light blue depict the nature of Mercury (Buddha), who is energetic and talkative.

Jupiter: Jupiter’s auspicious and generous presence is reflected in expansive, regal tones such as yellow, golden, and shades of pale yellow.

Venus : The harmonious and peaceful energy of Venus is echoed by soft, calming colours like white, pastel tints, light blue, and delicate pink tones.

Saturn: Earthy and stabilising tones like black, dark blue, and deep brown reflect the earthiness of Saturn.

Rahu: The enigmatic and mysterious aura of Rahu is reflected in smokey, powerful colours like dark blue, hues of violet, and smoky grey.

Ketu : Earthy, neutral colours like ash grey, beige, and brown depict Ketu’s modest and spiritual demeanour.

It is important to recognise that different astrologers may have different colour connotations based on local customs. Choosing colours should also take into account one’s own preferences as well as the particular environment or purpose for which they will be used. While planetary colours can affect what you wear, it’s best to have a thorough birth chart analysis from a qualified astrologer. Under their direction, you can receive individualised coaching on how to properly utilise planetary energy in your life.


Astrology acknowledges the potential of colour therapy, a long-established supplementary therapeutic modality, to improve many aspects of our lives. In this partnership, colour therapy provides a range of advantages. It promotes physical healing and improves emotional well-being. Colours have an impact on our feelings and moods, and colour therapy can help us achieve emotional balance and harmony. Colours play a pivotal role in boosting our creativity and productivity. It helps us for spiritual upliftment and in the matter of healthy relationships it provides invaluable support.

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