Essential Remedies in 2024 from 1 to 9 Numbers

gray concrete statue under blue sky during daytimeIntroduction

Numerology allows people to understand their life purpose, strengths, and weaknesses by examining the unique vibrations and energies associated with each number. It also offers advice on important life decisions including choosing a career, finding a life mate, and handling money investments. There are nine primary numbers in numerology from 1 to 9, which are called the foundation of this subject. Likewise, the dates between 1 to 9 under which any person is born bear special features in their life. We are trying to discuss the significance of each such number this year. But it is required to know first 2024 comes under which number in numerology. 2024 = 2+0+2+4 = 8. Therefore, 2024 denotes the number 8. We will try to narrate what kind of things may occur to each individual whose birth number comes under 1 to 9 and also some valid and useful recommendations will be given to overcome the adversities.

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A person whose Date of birth is 1

Those who are born on dates like 1,10,19,28 of any month come under the vibration of 1. Why do we consider 10 or 19 or 28 as 1? It is because when we bring these numbers into a single digit we get a single digit which is number 1. 10 = 1+0=1; 19 = 1+9=10= 1+0=1 and so on. Likewise, from now onwards for any double-digit number we have to shift the same into a single digit. Secondly, another important aspect is that both numerology and astrology are correlated. Likewise, each number from 1 to 9 denotes a particular planet. In this case, number 1 denotes the planet called Sun. [In astrology Sun is considered a planet ] The single digit of the year 2024 is 8 which is explained previously in this article. Number 8 is represented by Saturn which is an inimical planet of number 1 as in the Vedic Jyotish Sun and Saturn are inimical with each other.


For number 1 people it is essential to feed a brown colour dog early in the morning. Also, show your affection to them. It will overcome the adversities.

When Date of Birth is 2.

Those who are born on either the dates 2,11,20,29 come under the purview of the number 2. It means the vibration of the number 2 becomes active on them. The planet moon represents the number 2. Therefore, we can see how the natives of number 2 will spend this year. It is a well-known fact in astrology that the planet Moon has a friendly relationship with Saturn because Saturn considers the Moon its enemy. From this fact, it is easily understandable that the person born under this date will face a few adverse moments this year.


Practice of Meditation

To reduce the ill effects of this combination every such person has to practise meditation daily. The planet moon represents our subconscious mind. Daily meditation reinforces our Subconscious mind and provides a great healing touch to our mind and body thus enabling these natives to reduce their level of tension in a significant manner. Additionally, meditation and slow-breathing technique brings purity to the planet Saturn. Thus, Meditation gives a double healing touch to both Moon and Saturn. They can check their mental pressure for such a regular practice.

Pouring water or milk on Shivling

Another technique to control our minds during this year is the use of water. The moon represents water. It is believed that water functions as an electrolyte and transfers energy faster than air. It is said that if holy water is poured over the Shiva Linga every Monday, strong vibrations are released, reviving the god. This technique helps to link the mind with the unity of water and consciousness and cleanse negativity from the aura. If milk is served on shivling then one should pour only raw milk. Mixing water and milk is simply the wrong method and it may lead to bringing more tension in a native’s life.

Serving Elder Person

Another important practice should be done that can bring a positive impact this year. Serving elder people is a must this year to appease Saturn. The planet Saturn represents old age. Giving them Namkin to eat can bring a significant change in native’s life during this year.

When Date of Birth is 3.

Those who are born on either the dates 3,12,21,30 come under the purview of the number 3. It means the vibration of the number 3 becomes active on them. The planet Jupiter represents the number 3. This year, for such a native, brings a combined effect of Jupiter and Saturn.


  • It is highly recommended to avoid stale food this year. Always try to eat fresh food. If it is not possible to prepare fresh food then it is suggested to bring food outside.
  • Another important remedy for this year is to purchase gold and keep it at home.
  • Take a dip in any holy river to remove all types of bad influences.
  • Take blessings from the Father daily by touching their feet. In the absence of the Father, take blessing from the guru or from those persons who are alike the guru.
  • You can also touch the crown of the head and do meditation visualising the blessings of your Guru to whom you obey. This practice enables you to overcome any sort of difficulty easily.

If you genuinely want to know more about numerology click on the link

When Date of Birth is 4.

This number is like a symbol of uncertainty. The planet Rahu is represented by this number. Infinite things may occur to the person who is born on either 4/13/22/31. When there comes a link between numbers 4 and 8 it creates a blast. Rahu tends to misdirect you. Your conscious effort is required to curb any kind of thoughts that can misdirect you and direct you towards misleading.


  •  It is advisable on Thursday to go to any temple and light a ghee-lamp at day time.
  • Feed fresh food to any animal or bird. Don’t give waste or any extra food (post-eating) or expired food.
  • Serve the food to any child or elder member at first then you and other members start eating.
  • Feed fresh Roti / chara to the cow. Do these remedies and enjoy a smooth spending of time this year.
  • Don’t lend your money. Otherwise, it will be tough enough to get it back.

When Date of Birth is 5.

Those who are born on dates like 5,14,23 of any month come under the vibration of 5. The planet Mercury is connected to this number. Therefore, the year 2024 brings a connection between the planet Mercury and Saturn.


  • Feed girls below 8 years from time to time.
  • Read Durga Chalisha every day.
  • Do worship of “kanjak” at the time of Navaratri this year. After donating to the priest take their blessings.

If you genuinely want to know more about numerology click on the link

When Date of Birth is 6.

6, 15, and 24 are those dates that come under the vibration of 6 which represents the influence of the planet Venus. The combined effect of 6 and 2024 i.e. 8 reveals that the forthcoming year will be challenging for the number 6 natives.


  • Feed chara to cows on Friday.
  • On Monday pour Raw Milk over Shivling.

When Date of Birth is 7.

Those born on dates like 7,16,25 of any month come under the vibration of 7. The planet Ketu is connected to this number. Therefore, the year 2024 brings a connection between the planet Ketu and Saturn.


  • On Saturday feed Lemon pickles with Roti to the poor.
  • Distribution of salty food among the poor.
  • Taking care of dogs is a must. Keep it at home.

When Date of Birth is 8.

Any native born on either 8 or 17 or 26 of any month ought to be connected to the number 8. Therefore, both numbers are common. Number 8 is influenced by the planet Saturn.


  • Worship lord Hanuman every Tuesday and Saturday offering red chola cloth over his body.
  • If any health issue arises then it is suggested to bathe in any nearby Daivik kund twice a year. or take a bath in the holy Ganges every month. You can bring Ganga water at home for bathing without mixing it with normal water. Then take normal water bathing.

When Date of Birth is 9.

Any native bearing either 9 or 18 or 27 as their birth number is influenced by the number 9 which denotes the planet Mars.


  • Intake of honey early morning every Tuesday is a must. It will improve the relationship with a spouse
  • Donate medicines to needy people on Sunday for health improvement.
  • Take care of the dog.

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