Facing Relationship Issue?


In a relationship, things can seem extremely easy and pleasant one minute, and then it can feel like you’re speaking a foreign language the next. Have you noticed that sometimes you’re on the right wavelength with your partner and things are smooth? However, after a few moments, their mere presence infuriates you.
It is often heard from the native that if he/she could say something to his/her partner it seems ok for him/her but afterwards the same words start to kick off an argument between two partners. Sustaining good, happy relationships is one of the most challenging things that we have to manage in our adult lives. Maintaining satisfying relationships is undoubtedly one of the most difficult things in life. It requires understanding, flexibility, and persistent work. Over time, relationships shift and develop, and a number of things add to their complexity:

Relationship Issues in Astrology

Beyond common relationship challenges like communication gaps and compatibility issues, certain astrological factors might contribute to difficulties. These could include the presence of pitra dosha and the unfavourable positioning of planets such as Rahu, Ketu, and Shani. In Krishnamurthy Padhhati known as KP astrology, we check the relationship issues from 7 Cuspal Sub-lord. The script of this Sub-lord enables us to know whether a person will undergo a smooth relationship with his/her partner or bitterness in a relationship would be the fortune in his/her married life. In Vedic Astrology, we often hear a term called Mangalik.

Who is considered Mangalik?

This so-called term is associated with the planet Mars. The position of such a planet in a birth chart indicates whether a native takes birth with Mangalik or not. In Vedic astrology, when Mars is placed either in the 1st house or 4th house or 7th house or 8th house or 12 house then the native is considered as a Mangalik Jataka.

Is there any Harmful Effect of Being Mangalik?

It is often said by astrologers that since Mars is linked to war, Mangal dosha creates extremely unfavourable circumstances for marriage. People with this dosha frequently experience conflict, discomfort, discontent, and even possible divorce in their marriages. For individuals impacted, it frequently results in discord in family dynamics. In my opinion, it is not entirely true. Although it is true that Mars represents aggression and brings lots of conflict in one’s life it never be the sole cause to break a relationship. Martial energy in these houses is not good but merely for this position of Mars in a horoscope can’t be responsible fully to wrap up the bonding between couples. Actually, Mars in these houses causes certain things. It is observed that continuous financial difficulties may persist. This individual possesses abundant energy but tends to be ill-tempered, which can strain relationships with family members. Moreover, they exhibit dominating behaviour, dictating terms to their partner, and might engage in multiple relationships. It is required to balance the energy of Mars by practising several general solutions. These solutions are laid down below. If the ill effect still continues then consult any knowledgeable Astrologer to know the root cause of the relationship issues. Please go through the solutions.


  • If you see that the transit Moon is in the 8th house then never converse any matter which is too sensitive. Avoid such days strictly to welcome any unwanted consequences to your conjugal life. Even if you are in any  Partnership contract then avoid these days to make any crucial conversation with your partners. Moon sets its position in any Rashi for 2.25 days. Therefore, beware of these days when stay at your 8th Rashi to be counted from Ascendant.


  • Another awkward day happens when the transit Moon comes to the 8th house from your Natal Moon position which is also known as Chandra Ashtama. Therefore, it is inevitable to maintain a safe distance from your partner in the matter of any sensitive discussions.


  • Determine the Upapada Lagna of the native who is facing severe relationship issues. Keep a fasting of the planet associated with such a Lagna. For example, if Upapada Lagna appears Mercury then do fasting on Wednesday. Gradually, the native will start getting the positive impact of such a remedy. [ Don’t know your Upapada Lagna? Contact me at 9051253390.


  • Find out South-East direction of your house. Keep a couple’s photos therein. The couple will develop bonding. It will bring stability in maintaining relationships. Try all these remedies and if still can’t find any improvement then consult an experienced and knowledgeable astrologer.

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