How will we spend December 2023?

Benefits of Astrology and its Application


Before divulging the probable incidents on December 2023 for any individual according to the planetary movements the following facts are obvious for an individual who comes and Vrishav Rashi under Rohini Nakshatra. The facts are – Why does the moon in Vrishav Rashi under Rohini Nakshatra indicate that a person is fond of beauty, and creativity? Or, why such a person’s approach is materialistic? Or why Venusian traits are observed from the behaviour of the person? To perceive all these comprehending potentials about a person’s trait we need to understand the basic three factors of astrology. These are –  Rashi, Planets and Nakshatras. This kind of instance increases interest in our minds to know more about astrology. This Article is not about to teach the reader about astrology. However, basic information is needed to understand the substances. When you have basic knowledge about Rashi, Planets and Nakshatra then it will be easier to understand the topic laid down in the title.

Brief Discussion about Rashi, Planet, Nakshatra

In Vedic astrology, Rashi planets and Nakshatras are important because they offer a deeper and more accurate knowledge of a person’s personality, life events, and possible outcomes.

The planetary rulership of particular zodiac signs is referred to as the Rashi planets. Every sign has a ruling planet that affects the traits and energies of that particular sign. For example, Jupiter rules Sagittarius, Moon rules Cancer, etc. The characteristics and inclinations of people born under specific signs are influenced by these planetary alignments. An individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and general temperament can be inferred from the location of their Rashi planets in their birth chart.

On the other hand, nakshatras are lunar constellations that occupy a certain area of the sky. They provide astrological analysis with even more specificity. Every Nakshatra has its characteristics, features, and symbols and is ruled by a certain deity. A person’s emotional disposition, mental habits, and innate behaviour can all be inferred from the Moon’s location in a given Nakshatra at the moment of birth.

In the current month, it is observed that the planets will move in the following manner:

Planetary Position December 2023

Date of December Position of a Planet in a Nakshatra
 3 – 16 Sun in Jeystha
5 – 16 Venus in Swati
9 – 16 Mercury in Purvashada
9 – 27 Mars in Jyestha
16 – 28 Mercury Retro in Mula
16 – 27 Venus in Vishakha
16 – 29 Sun in Mula
17 – 28 Sun Mercury conjunction in Dhanu Rashi
Also, Mercury becomes combust
25 -27 Mars Venus conjunction in Scorpio Rashi
27 – 28 Mars and Mercury conjunction in Dhanu Rashi


The event is likely to happen to every native making no distinction about who belongs to which ascendant or Rashi.

Sun in Jyestha Nakshatra

Both courage and charm will run simultaneously. You will get confidence throughout this time when you indulge in the work where creativity is involved. If your better half engages in such pursuit you can inspire him or her to increase his/her creativity skills and also support charmness. For those who want to study Astrology but are unable to start for several reasons then this is the time of such transformation in their life. Also, you can notice that you will undergo some research work. Those who seek an authoritative position can manage such shipments. Egoism should be avoided as the said Nakshatra tends to bring such an ill trait among us during this time. Financial risk may come the way. Bring assertiveness to the mind.

Venus in Swati Nakshatra

Maintaining a healthy relationship will prove to be challenging during the period when the planet Venus will be moving on Swati Nakshatra. [Check the above table]. It is necessary to maintain patience if one faces any awkward situation regarding this issue. The situation can demand compromise to keep the relationship stable. For those who are in the state of learning or for the learners, this is a great time to reap the benefits of studying matters. These people can unfold their creative perceptions and find lots of improvement in their respective fields. However, keep the social connection in control. Do not indulge yourself too much in mixing up every event to live the life fullest. It means relating to social connections all you need to maintain balance.

Mercury in Purvashada  ( Symbol of Mercury)

For more amicable negotiations during Mercury’s retrograde, remain flexible. When buying, wisely compare prices to get better offers. Exchange your opinions, get data, and deepen your comprehension. Don’t overstate anything in writing or speech. Take care to avoid pointless disputes, especially in light of Mercury’s affinity for discussion. [The word Retrograde means when the speed of a planet becomes slower in comparison with its normal speed].

Mars in Jyestha

Use your emotional intelligence to enthusiastically engage. Take and tackle obstacles head-on and lead by example. Up to December 25th, blend harmony and action while being aware of your impact. Strike a balance when doing business; balance bravery with calculated risks. In a mature role, embrace perseverance and patience while attempting to reach a compromise with authority.

Mercury Retro in Mula

Examine past opportunities with a critical eye from the start. Examine and modify travel or study schedules as necessary. Utilise Mercury Retrograde to edit and refine your work. Avoid making snap decisions, particularly when enticed by deals. On December 27 and 28, when you are in the re-commitment period, proceed with prudence and avoid acting impulsively.


Venus in Vishakha

Raise the bar for your relationships by referencing Vishakha’s Victory Arch. Make the most of Venus’s penchant for elegance to cultivate deep relationships. Accept the transformational force of intense feelings. Use successful mediation to deal with unreasonable behaviour. Instead of succumbing to feelings of jealousy and possessiveness, try to maintain emotional equilibrium.

Sun in Mula

Accept and value your role as a representative. Investigate new sources of revenue. Use your knowledge of business. Refrain from taking on too much debt or investing. Don’t be afraid to demolish outdated structures in order to transform them.

Sun Mercury conjunction in Dhanu Rashi

Use the energy of the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius for business and intellectual endeavours. To get noticed, demonstrate how to solve problems with voice and thought. With Jupiter at your side, keep a positive outlook and look forward to solutions. Reverse Mercury to refine previous concepts while paying attention to the little things. Seek insightful viewpoints and counsel from knowledgeable friends.

Mars Venus conjunction in Scorpio Rashi

While Venus and Mars are in transit, cultivate your relationships. Accept impromptu invites and make an effort to find company. Think long-term and make an effort to be a reliable confidante in fulfilling partnerships. Avoid reacting hastily to unexpected attractions. Avoid possessive and jealousy-based thoughts by engaging in mindfulness exercises.

Mars and Mercury conjunction in Dhanu Rashi

Use your mental resources to communicate assertively and strategically choose your battles in situations when there is competition. Accept honesty as the cornerstone of good communication. During Mercury’s retrograde, speak carefully and without impulsivity. To avoid snap decisions, carefully manage your frustrations.


Analysis of planetary movement is important from the following perspective which says that the motions and placements of planets mirror or symbolise many facets of life, influencing events, relationships, and personalities. For example, Mercury’s retrograde may indicate difficulties in communication, whereas Jupiter’s movement may indicate growth or opportunity. Many people use these interpretations for personal insight or guidance, even though they are not supported by science, because they provide them with meaning and direction.








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