Kaal Sarp Yoga. Harmful??

What is Kaal Sarp Yoga?

Kaal Sarp According to Vedic astrology, a person is said to have a dosha when all seven planets—the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn—are positioned in their birth chart between Rahu, the North Lunar Node, and Ketu, the South Lunar Node. “Sarp” denotes a serpent, while “Kaal” denotes time in Sanskrit. In the birth chart, the arrangement of these planets between Rahu and Ketu creates a particular configuration.

Some people believe that this combination has astrological significance and that it will present problems, obstacles, and troubles in one’s life. Believers in Kaal Sarp Dosha might seek the advice of an astrologer for remedies or answers, or they can carry out specific rituals, medicines, or prayers to lessen its effects. Various types of Kaal Sarp Yoga can be formed according to the placement of the Planet Rahu and Ketu in the chart. However, sometimes one planet can sit between these nodes; in such a case, many astrologers call it Bhanga Kaal Sarp yoga. However, in my personal opinion, this kind of acknowledgement is not true. Moreover, most astrologers call this yoga Kaal Sarpa dosha but to my knowledge, there is no such term called dosha in our shastra. If You have any valid or solid evidence against my opinion please feel free to pass your comment.

Some Facts about the Kaal Sarpa Yoga

  • People usually work harder to become financially successful, usually as a result of life’s inevitable challenges.
  • It is said that the effects of doing yoga last a lifetime.
  • Its effectiveness is considered noteworthy up until the age of 42.
  • The effects of Kaal Sarpa Yoga are most noticeable during the times in an individual’s astrological chart that are ruled by Rahu and Ketu.

Effects of Kaal Sarp Yoga

Many have financial difficulties as a result of the impacts of Sarpa Dosha, which are frequently correlated with conditions including heart, eye, and ear problems. Periodically, mental anguish plagues the person, maintaining a difficult financial situation. Even if loans can be obtained, they are difficult to repay. Objectives are doable, but they take a long time to accomplish.

Individuals with Kaal Sarp Dosh in their horoscope often deal with ongoing financial difficulties and marital strife. They frequently experience continuous concerns and uncertainties in addition to dreams portending unpleasant events and the spectre of death. Their career gains are often postponed, and their efforts are rarely fully realised.

This Dosha advises against unexpected losses in money or reputation. Mysterious illnesses affect a person’s health and well-being and resist standard treatment protocols.

Duration of Kaal Sarp Yoga in Different Houses

When such a yoga is in 1st house it becomes active up to the age of 27. When it is in 2nd house it becomes active up to the age of 33. When it is in 3rd house it becomes active up to the age of 36. When it is in 4th house it becomes active up to the age of 42. When it is in 5th house it becomes active up to the age of 48. When it is in 6th house it becomes active up to the age of 54.

Some Misconceptions

There are a lot of myths about Kaal Sarp Yog. This Yog is not mentioned in ancient astrological writings, however individuals associate it with unfavourable planetary configurations in their birth charts. Rather, this idea comes from modern astrological interpretations.

Astrologers have long noted the potential effects of celestial alignments on life events, both favourable and unfavourable. Thus, Kaal Sarp Yog may appear as fortunate or inauspicious depending on how it interacts with other planetary positions in the Natal Chart.


The primary remedy to remove such yoga is to appoint a special purohit or priest to perform special puja for its removal as it is not a task of any general priest. Some prominent places are there where the exact worship is done in India. These are Sidvaat temple in Ujjain, Triyambakeshwar temple in Nasik, Sree Kalahastweswara temple in Andhra Pradesh.

Another very effective remedy is to chant Hanuman Chalisa regularly.

Do coconut kriya by circumambulating it 7 times around the body clockwise and then throw it at the flowing water.

On every Monday pour Raw mail to Shivling without fail. While doing this ritual chant the Mahamrityunjay mantra after pouring the water to Shivling.




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