KETU – part 1

Ketu – Introduction

Planet Ketu we know as the planet of spirituality. Ketu is the planet of liberation. But how many of us know that Ketu is the planet of our self-knowledge? If we identify the planet Guru as the knowledge of our life, then we can call Ketu self-knowledge. It is difficult to understand Ketu externally and it can be said that if we think that we have understood Ketu after reading a few books then it will be a big mistake. Ketu is a matter of understanding. I wanted to get to know Ketu so I took some books and knowing Ketu it is not easy to understand Ketu.

What is liberation?

I locked someone in the room and later released him by opening the door and he left the room thinking he was freed. Shall I call it liberation or a change in mental state? It cannot be called liberation because he was imprisoned in one place and released from there. The liberation of Ketu is deeper than this and this liberation is the liberation of self-realization. This liberation means that I am not hindered by anything. For this reason, one in whom Ketu influence is more will not have marital influence. That is, he will be a person free from family influence.

Misconception about Ketu

One common misconception about ketu is that the ketu-driven person is not fit for the family. People think that those who are under the influence of Ketu put on a faded cloth and go to a secluded place and do sadhana. A cause behind such thought is Ketu is a planet of sacrifice. Rahu is a planet of observers. Likewise, Venus is a planet of wealth, Jupiter is a planet of knowledge, and Mercury is a planet of intelligence and understanding ability. In the same way, Ketu can be said to be a planet of givers. The planet Jupiter is also a planet of givers but such kind of giving is only restricted to knowledge. It is a knowledge-giving planet while Ketu is merely not a knowledge-giving planet as any kind of giving can be associated with Ketu. Since Ketu has a tendency to give anything it controls the ability of intention ourselves. Planet Ketu is also called the planet of intention.

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Tera Tujhko arpan keya lage mera

Ravi has no power to connect with God, not it also by Moon or Jupiter. There is only one planet which has the power to connect God and such is Ketu. God only connects with our innermost feelings. Ketu is the only planet of this inner feeling. What does this inner feeling? O Lord, I am happy to receive what You have given. You have given me so much Full surrender. That’s the intention. One who has the ability to show gratitude and who can say O God everything I have with me is the gift from you can only connect to God and the person who has such an ability is known as the Ketu-driven person. “Tera Tujhko arpan keya lage mera” This is merely not some collection of words but this is our inner intention which is related to the planet Ketu. A person who has the ability to sacrifice, and a giving attitude bears the karktawa of Ketu.

Immense Joy

Mercury is the planet responsible for fun and joy. But Ketu is the planet responsible for immense joy. Immeasurable joy is the joy in which the soul finds itself free. Mercury’s pleasure is materialistic pleasure but Ketu’s pleasure is spiritual pleasure which gives a sense of spiritual happiness. It is unbound joy. There is no weight on the head. This joy is called ecstasy. That is the immense joy that only Ketu can give. One whose Jupiter is strong will lean towards knowledge. One whose Venus is good will tend towards wealth, chase after love, chase after well-being. He who has good Mercury will love to laugh and will develop an interest in learning. Those whose Mars is exalted will be brave and combative. One whose Rabi is strong will run after fame, eager for authority. A person who has an advanced Moon will think of being happy mentally. But Ketu is the planet that says you have everything, just don’t ask for anything from God because God has given you everything. stay happy Rahu wants more and more. The feeling of  Rahu remains uneaten whereas Ketu is always satisfied which attracts GOD.

To be continued.………………

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