Lagna wise Mercury Retrogression


Although the word “retrograde” refers to a backward motion, all of the planets in our solar system orbit the sun in an elliptical pattern in one direction. When viewed from Earth, this phenomenon appears to be moving backwards. But according to astrology, the planet’s apparent retrograde motion is thought to provide a kind of cosmic cleansing. Every planet has its own speed and is supposed to radiate a unique frequency that affects our feelings, ideas, and behaviours in different ways. A planet is said to have less of an impact when it goes into retrograde, encouraging us to take it easy, reflect, and reevaluate our life pathways. Inconsistencies and unfavourable trends are frequently brought to light during this time, pushing us to examine and improve these areas.

What is Mercury Retrogression?

Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion that gives the impression that the planet is moving backwards as viewed from Earth. Astrologers link possible disturbances in communication and technology with this apparent backward motion, which could have an impact on the summertime mood. Mercury, which is associated with communication and expression in astrology, is thought to have a negative connotation during this retrograde period.

Mercury Retrogression with example

Every year the planet Mercury goes into a state of Retrogression. This planet is associated with communication and travel which might cause travel arrangements to change. For example, Travel mishaps are more likely under Dhanu Rashi, the sign that rules exploration and travel, so plan for delays, lost connections, or logistical problems when travelling. When dealing with travel difficulties, it becomes imperative to maintain flexibility and patience. The following is the discussion of Mercury’s retrogression and its impact on twelve ascendants.

Lagna wise Impact

Mesh Lagna

When Mercury is retrograde then during this time the native may experience some travel difficulties, especially for trips.  When making trip plans, it’s a good idea to be patient and flexible because unforeseen circumstances or communication problems could occur. During Mercury’s retrograde, communication problems are prevalent. Be especially cautious when communicating, proofread your work thoroughly, and avoid signing big contracts pertaining to publishing. This is a time to develop your inner journey via contemplative study, meditation, and seeking spiritual guidance.

Vrish Lagna

The native should try to improve communication and emphasise on themes like shared investments, inheritance, taxes, and joint money. It’s a perfect time to examine personal development by going deeper into consciousness and reflecting on oneself. In order to build trust and understanding in your relationship, encourage honest and open communication with your spouse while avoiding keeping things private.

Mithun Lagna

When this planet becomes retrograde, partnerships may see a rise in miscommunication, disputes, and the need for clear communication. Anticipate possible delays in contract signings, agreements, and negotiations in commercial and legal partnerships. It’s important to exercise patience and carefully research all the information before signing any contracts. During this retrograde phase, you can run into former lovers or acquaintances who explore your life and prior relationships.

Kark Lagna

When Mercury is retrograde then during this time be prepared for any setbacks, misunderstandings, and disputes in your work relationships with supervisors or colleagues. Make use of this time to review and adjust your health regimen, which includes your nutrition, exercise regimen, and level of general fitness. Make it a point to communicate with precision on a daily basis in both professional and interpersonal settings. To reduce misunderstandings, avoid making assumptions and make sure instructions and expectations are clear.

Singha Lagna

You may wonder if your artistic pursuits genuinely bring you joy and connect with your innermost goals. Be prepared for possible misunderstandings, reluctance to communicate feelings, or bringing up old romantic issues. Be clear and patient while you engage in amorous activities. During Mercury’s retrograde, be cautious while making speculative investments as these could be vulnerable to miscommunications or even losses.

Kanya Lagna

When Mercury is retrograde then during this time be prepared for miscommunications, resurrecting old family grievances, or delays in home-related tasks. Make the most of this time to tidy, remodel, or improve your house and car. During this period, give careful attention to reviewing and clarifying all types of documentation.

Tula Lagna

When Mercury is retrograde then during this time anticipate miscommunication, delays in communication, and difficulties expressing ideas and thoughts. Anticipate more communication with siblings and neighbours, which may include attending to any challenges or misunderstandings that may arise in these interactions. Short excursions and local travel may be impacted by this retrograde. Prepare for any delays or changes in your itinerary, and make sure you double-check everything linked to your trip. All of these are likely to happen owing to char-nature of Libra.

Vrishchik Lagna

At this time, take some time to review your spending habits, financial goals, and budget. Payments, loans, and contracts are examples of financial transactions that may be delayed or require special attention. During this retrograde phase, give careful financial planning priority over impetuous spending.

Dhanu Lagna

If you are Sagi Ascendant the mercury retrograde stage may make you consider changing your look or sense of style. But it’s best to proceed with caution when making snap judgements and to give any big adjustments due thought. During this retrograde, be prepared for a rise in miscommunication, particularly when expressing personal thoughts and opinions. In your interactions, try to be clear and patient. Mercury’s retrograde may bring up memories of relationships or circumstances from the past. During this time, keep an eye out for people or opportunities that may resurface.

Makara Lagna

When Mercury is retrograde then during this time, you may discover previously hidden characteristics about yourself or others. Meditation and other spiritual activities may become more important during this time. Mercury retrograde may encourage you to spend more time by yourself and engage in reflection. Accepting alone may provide insightful information about your inner self.

Kumbh Lagna

When Mercury is retrograde then during this phase, be prepared for possible miscommunications, postponements of arrangements with friends, or rekindling old relationships. When working in teams or participating in group activities, it is extremely important to be patient and clear in your interactions. Mercury retrograde is a good time to reflect on your goals and ambitions for the future, as well as the steps you need to take to get there. Determine whether your objectives fit your present circumstances and route in life.

Meena Lagna

When Mercury is retrograde then during this phase be ready for miscommunications, postponements of professional plans, or going back and reviewing previous career decisions. During this time, it’s best to avoid making snap judgements about your work or making commitments. Communicating with employers, supervisors, or other authority types can be difficult at times. In order to avoid misconceptions, it is imperative that professional conversations are clear and patient. Reestablishing contact with former coworkers, mentors, or other folks from your professional past may be facilitated by this retrograde phase.

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