Lalkitab Unconventionally Conventional

Unconventionally Conventional

Do you know that when there are two planets in the first house and a single planet in the 7th house, the planet sitting over the 7th house becomes weak? Do you know when Mercury is set in the 6th house and Ketu is set in the 9th house then in such a circumstance, the planet ketu becomes weak? In another example, I am going to tell you another amazing fact and this is when Sun and Saturn are placed in the same house then both these planets become weak and in addition two other planets also are badly affected viz. Mars and Rahu. However, there is also an exception in this rule when this combination falls in the first house. In the first house, no such incidences take place.  All these facts are strange for Astrology learners as they are not aware of these facts as these are not conventionally written in any traditional book. However, these are all logically expressed under a certain school of thought known as Lalkitab Astrology. Now, the question arises since there are so many Lal Kitab books available in the market, why are the above-stated strange facts still unknown? It is because most of the books emphasized remedy instead of stating the grammar behind the remedial measures. We must delve into the insights into grammar that’s why learning from a learned person in this aspect is a must. is such an astonishing Institute nowadays which provides a course called Lalkitab Astrology Grammar Course where an aspiring avid learner of astrology will get enormous help by knowing the esoteric rules of astrology which he/she has yet to hear.

Following is the course link. Join this unparallel course now and get the offered price which will last for a few days.

Lal Kitab Grammar Course & Remedies

Go through more facts about Lal Kitab Astrology. Know its origin and many more.

What is Lalkitab Astrology?

The Indian astrological tradition is the source of the Lal Kitab system of astrology. Because the original book is written in Urdu and has a red cover, it is also known as “Red Book” astrology. Lal Kitab is distinct from traditional Hindu astrology in that it takes a different approach

Key components of Lal Kitab astrology include the following:

Simplicity: Lal Kitab is renowned for being easy to use and simple. It offers treatments that are simple to apply and don’t require pricey supplies or intricate routines.

Influence of Palmistry: Lal Kitab emphasises palmistry heavily. It combines astrology and palmistry to produce predictions and treatments that are more precise. It is thought that a person’s natal chart’s planetary positions correspond to the lines on their palm.

Unusual Chart: Lal Kitab makes use of an alternative chart, known as the “Aries Chart” or “Lal Kitab Chart,” which is not the same as the conventional Vedic birth chart. The planets’ positions in the various houses are depicted on the one-page Aries chart.

Use of North Indian Format: Unlike the South Indian style utilised in traditional Vedic astrology, Lal Kitab primarily employs the North Indian style of astrological chart.

Remedies: One of the primary purposes of Lal Kitab is to identify planetary diseases and offer easy solutions to mitigate their adverse consequences. A common component of remedies is the wearing of gemstones, rituals, or special donations.

Utilisation of Colour and Objects: Lal Kitab advises utilising particular hues and items connected to planets in order to lessen their negative effects. This can involve using specific items to please a particular planet or dressing in a certain colour on a given day. symbolises the positions of the planets in the various houses.

Use of North Indian Format: Unlike the South Indian style utilised in traditional Vedic astrology, Lal Kitab primarily employs the North Indian style of astrological chart.

Karmic Remedies: Lal Kitab highlights the idea of karmic remedies, implying that by carrying out particular remedies, the consequences of previous deeds (karma) might be lessened.


It is noteworthy that although Lal Kitab astrology has grown in popularity, some people still view it as a more traditional or less mainstream style of astrology. Like with any astrological system, there are differences in beliefs and practices, and people are free to select the one that speaks to them. Seeking advice from an experienced astrologer who specialises in Lal Kitab astrology might offer more individualised insights and direction if you’re interested in this approach.



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