Nakshatra Numerology

Nakshatra Numerology

Can we do numerology with the assistance of Nakshatra? Generally, it is not done. It is because Nakshatra is entirely a different celestial subject matter that cannot be mixed up with numerology. However, there exists a system where we can use Nakshatra with Numerology and do the predictions. The importance of Nakshatra in Vedic astrology is it is highly a useful tool for giving predictions. The planet’s moon covers a single Nakshatra in 24 hours. Therefore, in Vedic astrology, we utilize such a 24-hour travelling period of the moon over a single Nakshatra by acquiring the utility of such Nakshatra. Likewise, by using this concept it is also possible to possess a perfect result in numerology by using the utility of the same Nakshatra as we get the results in Vedic astrology from such a nakshatra.

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How to use Nakshatra in Numerology?

If a person asks how will be his/her day? Then by applying the techniques of Nakshatra Numerology an astrologer can predict his entire day very easily. As we know numerology works with numbers. It is required to convert Nakshatra with the numbers. In astrology, there are 27 Nakshatras in the Rashimandal.   Each Nakshatra has four charan or pada. Therefore, there are 108 padas in the 12 Rashis. The number 108 plays a significant role in Vedic astrology. We chant any mantra 108 times. In calculating the whole universe under Vedic astrology the utilization of 108 numbers is a must. Since each and every event can be analysed in the realm of Nakshatras so 108 plays a pivotal role in analyzing any event in our universe.

Importance of 108 beads

Numerology is nothing but an analysis of numbers in a specific way. So far, the concept of adding Nakshatra with numerology is a new way where we attain the results of numbers not only through the numerological way but also we can get additional results through the properties of the 108 beads and as a result, we can easily predict the event of our current day and accordingly, we can plan ourselves. Therefore, understanding these 108 beads is crucial if a person tells any charan out of these 108 charans then it is obvious to acquire all the required information about this particular charan. This particular charan will become a dominating factor on that particular day when such a number is raised by the querent in front of an astrologer.


This course will be held for 27 days and all the charans will be covered within 27 days. Pursuing this course one can easily know how a charan guides our daily lives. As suppose if the first charan of Aswini Nakshatra, by any means, connects to the day and the querent also mentions the first charan then this charan will be very important for him/her throughout the day. In other words, this charan dominates the entire day for him/her. In such circumstances, if the native prepares a plan related to either business or job or something else associated with travelling then this day will be counted as a favourable day for him/her. Not only that if the question is related to child education then this particular day will be fruitful for education. It is observed that on that particular day, the concentration level of the child will be at a higher level and he/she can perform well in study. In such a way, any kind of query has its answer that can be out under this system promptly and accurately. Even, if anyone asks whether he will get appreciation from his/her employer on a particular day then he/she can easily get the answer to such query. It means using this powerful astrological guidance an astrologer or an avid learner of astrology like you can easily reveal the map of the entire day of your client. This is amazing. Isn’t it? Moreover, if the querent mentions a number say bead no. 1 then not only the aforesaid mentioned things will be happening with him throughout the day but also he will get remarkable results throughout the month of some particular dates which fall under the vibration of 3, 5, and 9 like 3,5,9 plus 12,14,18, 21,23,27.

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