Pitro Dosh – Remedy

Pitro Dosh

The blessings and curses bestowed upon us by our ancestors both have a significant influence on our life. Through their blessings, we might enjoy happiness and success in life when our forefathers show us love. On the other hand, ancestral defects might cause new ancestral faults in the lineage if they arise for whatever reason. This inherited flaw can have an impact on a number of different life issues. The strain of inherited defects can lead to problems with relationships, finances, careers, health, and more. The blessings of our ancestors hold great significance in our lives, much as the blessings of the gods. Ancestral flaws can cause a variety of life events to occur. It is imperative that you pay attention to these symptoms and don’t disregard them.

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Causes of Pitro Dosh

Ancestral flaws affect a person if Venus, Mercury, or Rahu are located in the birth chart’s fifth, ninth, or twelfth houses. In the event that the ancestors committed any unfair deeds, the descendants are held accountable. Stated differently, the obligation of the descendants is to compensate for the wrongdoings of their ancestors. If this loan is not paid back, there’s a chance that inherited flaws will be passed on through the generations, causing a host of issues in life.

When our forefathers indulge in any unfair activities, it creates a debt on us in the form of ancestral defects. Until this obligation is repaid, we stay trapped in the web of ancestral defects, causing challenges in many facets of our lives. Obstacles can arise in situations of love as well, and the influence of ancestral defects can ruin even favourable yogas. Ancestral faults are not solely caused by the birth chart’s unfavourable positions of various planets. Ancestral flaws also have a role in manifesting because of the dissatisfaction of our ancestors. Even with the best of intentions, people with inherited flaws may find it difficult to succeed. They start to experience suffering, adversity, and ongoing struggles in their lives. They encounter a range of social upheaval, financial hardships, medical conditions, and roadblocks.



Indication of Pitra Dosh

It is crucial to recognise that when specific things happen in life, there is an unfavourable shadow of ancestors’ transgressions cast over us. Discover whether you are a victim of inherited flaws and how to accept that fact.

  • Recognise that there may be inherited flaws if there is an unexpected death in the family or if someone has an accident. Sometimes, even modest mishaps can be a symptom of inherited defects.
  • If any family members experience mysterious diseases or bad luck, it can be a sign of inherited flaws.
  • It is said that the birth of a sick child or a child with special needs in the family is a sign of inherited flaws.
  • Rude behaviour, disobedience to elders, and disturbances in the home may indicate that you are impacted by inherited flaws.
  • If an eligible youth suffers repeated impediments in marriage, it is a negative sign of hereditary defects.
  • Having trouble getting pregnant or giving birth is another sign of inherited flaws.
  • Ancestral defects may be the cause of incidents involving dangerous addictions, such as drug or alcohol abuse.

Prevention of Pitra Dosh

Offering rice balls (Pindadan) and water (Tarpan) to the ancestors is an essential ritual to seek release from inherited defects. Feed any eligible Brahmin during these fifteen days. Present milk, water, flowers, and black sesame seeds at the base of the Ashwattha tree, which is considered sacred. When doing Tarpan on the Amavasya (New Moon) during the ancestral fortnight, one should do it if the ancestor’s exact date of death is uncertain.

The process of being free can be accomplished by growing rice, gathering alms from family members, or setting aside money to give to any temple.

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Additional fact

Elimination of Pitro Dosh is essential for a person if his/her chart carries such a problem. In Lalkitab astrology, ten types of pitra dosh are mentioned and also suitable remedies are given to curb the ill effects of these doshas. Therefore it is required to know several such pitra doshas with the process of redressals so that a person bearing any kind of such a Pitra Dosh can manage to overcome his/her problem. In future, I shall discuss this topic.

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