Ram Mandir and Numerology

Ram Mandir

Millions of Hindus around the world will be joyfully celebrating the historic opening of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya on January 22, 2024. The date of the inauguration has been selected with great significance based on many astro-numerological factors. Let us now explore the divine elements that, according to Hindu tradition, are aligning on this auspicious day.

Pausha -Auspicious month

The holy month of Pausha, the tenth month in the Hindu lunar calendar, is when the hallowed Ram Temple is dedicated. Hindu traditions hold great reverence for this time, which is distinguished by its profound significance in hosting a variety of religious, cultural, and spiritual events. Notable events like the Mahakumbh and the Kumbh Mela are among them, which heighten the spiritual fervour of this auspicious month.

Makar Sankranti When Sun enters Capricorn

Makar Sankranti, a major Hindu holiday marking the Sun’s entry into Capricorn (Makar), is observed on January 22. With this occasion, Uttarayana, a time of growth, prosperity, and fresh starts, officially begins. It is a good moment to carry out religious endeavours, like opening the Ram Mandir, in accordance with the favourable energy of this auspicious stage.

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Auspicious date for Inauguration

The choice of auspicious date for the opening of the Ayodhya Ram Temple, especially during Shukla Paksha and Dwadashi Tithi, lends this momentous occasion a divine touch and a pleasant aura. Shukla Paksha is the waxing phase of the moon; it symbolises growing illumination and ideas of prosperity, growth, and positive energy. It is quite fortunate to start new endeavours, undertakings, or celebrations during this era. Moreover, there is a link between the Dwadashi Tithi and Lord Vishnu, the Hindu Trinity’s preserver. On this Tithi, the Ayodhya Ram Temple is inaugurated, signifying the summoning of Lord Vishnu and asking for his blessings for the prosperity and holiness of the temple. Remarkably, Lord Vishnu’s seventh and most notable avatar is thought to be Lord Rama, the venerated deity of the Ayodhya Ram Temple.

Significance of Moon Transit

The Moon will be in the Mrigashira Nakshatra, in the sign of Taurus, on January 22. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus is linked to attributes of security, stability, and material wealth. This alignment suggests that the Ram Mandir will stand as a solid and profitable institution, which is encouraging for the temple’s inauguration. In addition, it is significant that the Moon is in the Mrigashira Nakshatra on this particular day. This nakshatra is thought to be powerful for starting new businesses and succeeding in them. Ruled by the flamboyant and vivacious planet Mars, it represents the beginning of life and lends a fortunate element to the day’s significance.

Significance of Sun Transit

The Sun will enter the Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra within the sign of Capricorn on January 22nd. One Nakshatra that is well-known for being associated with success, power, and leadership is Uttara Ashadha. This heavenly alignment portends good for the opening, suggesting that the construction of the temple will portray India as a worldwide leader in spiritual matters.

Sarvartha Siddhi and Amrita Siddhi Yoga

In Hindu astrology, the combination of Sarvartha Siddhi and Amrita Siddhi Yogas on January 22, 2024, is extremely significant. These poses are highly regarded as representations of longevity, wealth, and obtaining benefits. Their conjunction with the opening of the Ram Temple at Ayodhya adds to its importance, bringing wealth, well-being, and the divine favour that goes along with such auspicious astrological configurations.

Number and its Importance

Based on the date, the day number is 22. 22 is referred to in numerology as the “Master Builder” or the “Master Teacher” number, denoting the profound capacity to bring ideas to life on a large scale and turn fantasies into reality. People who are connected to the number 22 are thought to have a clear sense of purpose in life and the ability to bring about positive change in the world. Additionally, the date (22 + 1 + 2024) has a total amount of 31, which is further subtracted to 4 (3 + 1). The number four is associated with steadiness, pragmatism, and building solid foundations. It is seen as a number that represents perseverance, hard work, and reaching objectives via focused efforts.

January 22 and its Importance

January 22, 2024, has a numerological impact that encourages grounded and practical manifestations, with a reduced total sum of 4. Today is a day to celebrate organising abilities, careful planning, and exact attention to detail—all of which can lead to real and long-lasting results. Furthermore, the vibration of 4 denotes an emphasis on building—not just materially, but also in terms of one’s own personal and spiritual development. It’s a day when people can find courage and encouragement to pursue their spiritual goals.

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Number significance for Foundation

The date, when added up to 4, represents the essence of both completion and the building of a strong foundation. In numerology, the number 4 is often linked to the idea of completion, signifying the end of a cycle and a sense of wholeness. It signals the end of a certain stage or area of life, necessitating reflection on achievements and lessons discovered during that time. Moreover, the concept of laying a strong foundation is closely linked to the number 4. This suggests that after a cycle is finished, it becomes a good time to start laying the foundation for other projects. This process entails reflecting carefully on the past, comprehending the difficulties encountered, and applying the knowledge gained to build a solid foundation for future achievement.




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