Very Shortly SUN will be in Meen Rashi


Pisces season officially begins when the Sun moves into the sign of Pisces. Every year, this usually starts about February 19 and lasts until about March 20. Astrologically speaking, the Sun’s entry into Pisces signifies a change in energy that is typified by traits connected to the Pisces sign. The water sign of Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, which is regulated by Jupiter, the traditional ruler. Pisces is characterised by dreaminess, sensitivity, compassion, and intuition.

Sun in Meen Rashi (Pisces)

Before focusing on the event owing to the entrance of the Sun at Meena Rashi or Pisces it is required to know the significance of the Sun and Meen Rashi in astrology.

Sun is the king of all planets, which indicates Nobility, Individuality, Generosity, Dignity, Proudness, AUTHORITY, leadership, Creativity, Egotism, Selfishness, despotism, and Self-centeredness.

Pisces being the 12th sign represents isolation, imagination, foreign or other world, different or other dimension, spirituality, etc. It also represents loss, liberation, isolation and decline. It represents our subconscious and hidden nature.

At the same time, we need to consider the Kaal Purush chart and we have to check the shiftment of the fifth lord Sun in the twelfth house of the Kalpursh chart which conveys that a native becomes a highly imaginative person. He may be an author too or may be suited for creative careers. He may suffer due to bones or legs.

He may have a confused state of mind. He may be inclined towards Spirituality. He may consider his work from a spiritual angle. He may be good-hearted as this sign is ruled by Jupiter and being a very close proximity to Sun the person may bear such heartily feelings when Sun passes on Meen Rashi. He may be an emotional and romantic person. He will be very humble, kind, hospitable, and unconditionally loving from deep within.

His relationship with his father may be spiritual or have a spiritual angle to it. He may earn wealth through products of sea, water or rivers. He gets spiritual happiness in life. He may have good children, mostly sons. He may also be extremely moody and sensitive.

Additional matters

  • The following are the additional features that can also be observed when the Sun will move on Meen Rashi. These are :People can have a stronger focus on feelings, spirituality, and creativity during the Pisces season. Individuals might have a stronger desire to delve into their subconscious, pursue artistic endeavours, or establish a connection with their inner selves. A greater capacity for empathy and compassion for other people as well as a yearning for a deeper meaning in life may be present.Individuals whose birth charts feature a lot of Pisces may experience a greater emotional connection at this time. It’s a time to connect with the mystical parts of life and to engage in contemplation and self-reflection. But the Pisces season can also provide problems with illusion, escape, and boundaries. Maintaining your sense of discernment and groundedness is crucial, particularly when navigating relationships and making decisions. Ultimately, as we traverse the currents of life, the Sun’s trip through Pisces encourages us to explore the domains of the subconscious, accept our sensitivity, and harness the power of creativity.

Influence of Jupiter

As we all know Jupiter is the sign of the twin water sign Pisces. It is earlier stated that the Sun in Pisces has several beneficial effects since both planets can be considered friendly to one another. Individuals with this Sun positioning tend to be highly amiable. At this time we may observe that we can build up a wonderful relationship, have kids, and have the luxury of having maids. We can also observe that males may have a soft spot for ladies. We can also enjoy travelling. There is a possibility of better earnings. We may also lead happy lives. We may also attain intelligence and intuition. Our nature might be contemplative. We can develop the ability to think and talk clearly. People typically make their money from the water.

Born under the Sign of Meen Rashi

The person born under the sign of Pisces also has a gloomy disposition. These folks can have difficulty understanding themselves at times. They really do have a lot of emotion. They are greatly impacted by the opinions of others. They are quite flexible and adaptive, changing their attitude depending on the circumstance. They frequently lend a hand and are there for friends and family no matter what. These natives put a lot of effort into their careers and frequently developed workaholism. But occasionally, this inclination results in mental discomfort. They too have a great deal of ambition, and their actions are influenced by how others perceive them. Their social standing and respect are very important to them.

RAHU and SUN in Meen

At the present moment, Rahu is in Meen Rashi. Therefore, when the Sun steps on there then a conjunction will develop between these two planets. An inimical relationship lies between these two planets. It is often said in astrology that when such a conjunction happens Sun becomes weak. Many say that due to the presence of Rahu, the Sun becomes impure. However, the fact is Sun is always pure as it is our soul and a soul cannot get impure. But it is a fact that the shadow planet Rahu spreads a lair over the Sun and thus a native having such a conjunction lacks vitality and may be deprived of exhibiting his mighty presence in the social circle. The following things can happen owing to such a conjunction. These are :

Defiant Environment
Sun-Rahu combination people despise taking orders from others and playing servant positions. Their tendency is towards disobedience and resistance against authority. As a result, this innate rebellious nature may lead to disputes with father figures.

Deep-seated Fear and Uncertainty
People with a Sun-Rahu conjunction frequently struggle with deep-seated worries and insecurities as a result of their complicated personalities. Their constant fear of being discovered is a result of Rahu’s influence, which sows doubt and uncertainty.

Motivated and Goal-Reading Individual
Their persistent concentration on goals and their tireless ambition are two positive manifestations of the Sun-Rahu combination. Rahu receives the Sun’s energy and channels it into helping people achieve their goals while still being influenced by the malevolent planet.


The Pisces Sun and Rahu conjunction create a difficult dynamic for those in all Water signs. Why? Because Water signs’ emotional aspects are strongly affected by this alignment, which greatly intensifies their sensitivity. As a result, their interpersonal relationships suffer as a result of this emotional turmoil. Financial strains that are not justified are often experienced when Rahu and the Sun are in the Meen Rashi as it is the 12th house in the Kalpursh chart. People in this placement could also struggle with mild to severe health issues.

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