Techniques to remove Bad vibes

Bad Vibes

The phrase “bad vibes” refers to unfavourable or unpleasant energy or sentiments that one may detect from a person, location, circumstance, or encounter. It’s an irrational feeling of uneasiness, tension, or discomfort that people experience strongly but that isn’t usually rationally explained. Anxiety, mistrust, or an overall negative sensation are just a few ways that bad vibes might appear. This phrase is frequently used by people to describe their gut feeling or intuition regarding a specific circumstance or person, indicating that something doesn’t feel quite right or is off-putting to them. In the following ways, these negative vibes can be removed from the body.

Removing blockages from the Birth chart

Within Vedic astrology, it is recognised that some planetary alignments can have negative effects on a person’s life. These factors, referred to as “Doshas,” show up in a birth chart as negative energies that may cause a variety of difficulties or problems. In the context of astrology, cleaning refers to the recognition and removal of any negative influences or obstructions that could stand in the way of one’s material well-being, interpersonal connections, and spiritual development.

For example, corrective actions like keeping a fast on Saturn or lighting a sesame lamp may be recommended if an individual is facing the negative consequences of a challenging Saturn location or is going through a Sade Sati period. Saturn rituals can be especially effective when performed, especially on Saturdays, which are Saturn’s day. It may also be helpful to put techniques like the “8 walk theory” into practice for at least 30 minutes on Saturday mornings. In another example, I am going to talk about the bad placement of Saturn in the Birth chart and it is its placement in the 8th house. The outcomes of such placement varied with respect of different ascendants. A person becomes lazy for Aries ascendant if Saturn is posited in the 8th house. The cunning nature arises into the nature of a person under Taurus ascendant having Saturn in the 8th house. In such a case a native should provide any amount of money to the poor as per his/her ability. It is required to serve the physically challenged person and the old people in society as Saturn denotes old age.

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Removing the bad impact from Evil Eyes

In many cultures, protecting someone from the evil eye, sometimes referred to as “nazar” or “drishti,” is a prevalent worry. While strategies may differ based on national customs and beliefs. The term ‘glare,’ or Drishti, refers to a malignant intent or way of thinking that is harmful to another person. This idea, which has its roots in Indian culture, has spread across the years and gained traction in many different civilizations around the world. Envy can arise when someone possesses attributes like success, ability, or attractiveness. This idea holds that the unfavourable attention that follows could cause an unexpected illness or bad luck. In the context of a vibrating universe—which is recognised in both the spiritual and scientific domains—people’s intentions and ideas affect other people. In fact, the energy that comes from individuals and places can be absorbed by our subtle body, or aura, which may make us uncomfortable if the energy is directed towards us. The following are some common ways that are said to fend off the evil eye:

Wearing Protective Charms: Traditional talismans and charms, thought to ward off the evil eye, are worn by people in many cultures. The Hamsa hand is one example, as are amulets from Nazar, or charms crafted from materials such as blue glass, silver, iron, or black obsidian.

Utilising Rituals and Practices: To ward off the evil eye, a variety of rituals and practices are carried out. Praying, burning particular herbs or incense, or carrying out particular rituals involving salt, water, or other symbolic objects are a few examples of this.

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Herbal Remedies and Cleaning: Some people think that the evil eye’s negative energy can be banished with the help of herbal remedies and cleansing practices. This could entail indulging in a spiritual bath with salt or herbal infusions, or using herbs such as sage, rosemary, or basil.

Visualisation and Energy Work: Some people think that energy healing methods like Reiki, meditation, and visualisation can help shield against harmful energies like the evil eye. These methods can include visualising a shield or light of protection enveloping oneself or the affected individual.

Seeking Assistance from Spiritual Practitioners: Seeking guidance from practitioners who specialise in energy work and protective rituals, such as priests, shamans, or spiritual healers, is a prevalent practice in certain societies. These people might conduct rituals, bestow blessings, or provide individualised treatments based on particular circumstances.

Sustaining Positive Energy: It is said that developing an optimistic outlook, being grateful, and surrounding oneself with supportive people can build a barrier that protects against negative energies, such as the evil eye.

It is noteworthy that although these techniques are extensively employed across diverse cultures, their efficacy may differ among individuals. Personalised advice based on unique circumstances and beliefs can also be obtained by consulting with reliable spiritual or cultural consultants.

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Saltwater Bath and Meditation

Regular aura cleansing is advised to counteract the negative effects of Drishti; this is frequently accomplished through meditation and saltwater baths. This is a custom that is observed not just in China and India but also all across the world. It involves the use of oil and salt. Many people go to the beach in search of comfort since the salty air helps them to feel differently.

Furthermore, it is said that reciting the holy mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” for five minutes every day creates a shield that keeps bad energy at bay. Reciting this mantra is said to lessen the negative effects of planetary alignments because Shiva is considered the Lord of all planets.

To be continued……………

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