Techniques to remove bad vibes part 2

Moon Bathing

As per Vedic astrology, the Moon embodies a serene and nurturing essence. It symbolizes the depths of our psyche and emotional landscape. Taking a Moon bath offers a profound means to attune to the Moon’s purifying influence. It is observed that on the full moon day, Moon graces the sky with its luminous presence, especially during the Full Moon phase, take a moment to look skyward and absorb its radiant white light. Immerse yourself in the Moon’s celestial glow, allowing it to cleanse away any lingering negativity, leaving you revitalized and refreshed. This is a more thorough examination of moon bathing from an astrological standpoint:

Recognising the Significance of the Moon: The Moon is a symbol for our innermost sentiments, emotions, and instincts in astrology. It affects our subconscious patterns, moods, and reactions to stimuli. The Moon, the fastest-moving celestial body, affects the ebb and flow of energies on Earth as it moves through the zodiac signs every few days.

Using Lunar Energies: Moon bathing is a technique that makes use of the Moon’s gravitational pull to purify, revitalise, and harmonise our emotional and mental selves. Similar to how the moon influences ocean tides, so too is it thought to have a significant influence on our emotional tides.

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Selecting Ideal Times: Many practitioners stress the effectiveness of bathing under the Full Moon, however, moonbathing can be helpful at any stage of the lunar cycle. A period of completion, enlightenment, and increased emotional vigour is the Full Moon. It is sometimes regarded as an ideal moment to actualize aspirations and let go of things that no longer serve us.

Creating a Connection with Nature: Moon bathing usually entails being outside in the moonlight. Choose a cosy location where you can unwind and really enjoy the moon’s rays. Being in a natural setting, whether it’s in a park, your backyard, or by the sea, improves the experience.

Giving intentions

Prior to participating in Moon bathing, take a minute to establish your aims or objectives for the exercise. This could be letting go of unfavourable feelings, looking for clarification on a specific matter, or just establishing a spiritual connection with the lunar energy.

Meditation under Moonlight

It is helpful to spend a few minutes in meditation during the Moon bathing ritual, expressing respect, thankfulness, and appreciation for the Moon’s presence. By treating the Moon with respect, you strengthen your bond with its nourishing energies and promote harmony both within and throughout the universe.

Meditation under the moon requires a process of awareness, connection, and lunar energy absorption. Here’s a detailed how-to:

Purnima is the most auspicious day for meditation and manifestation. Click the link and collect the best course on Meditation techniques.  The Infinite Subconscious Mind Course

Select an Appropriate Spot: Look for a peaceful, calm outdoor space where you can easily sit or lie down under the open sky and let the moonlight shine directly down on you. Make sure you’re in a secure setting free from interruptions.

Mentally Prepare: Set aside some time to centre yourself and eliminate any outside distractions from your thoughts. Whether your goal is to connect with the energy of the Moon, let go of bad emotions or achieve inner peace, set an intention for the meditation.

Choose a Comfortable Position: Take a seat or lie down in a relaxing position, such as on your back, on a chair, or cross-legged on the ground. Maintain a straight spine while remaining at ease, and let your body find its equilibrium.

Close your eyes and start inhaling deeply as you begin to deepen your breathing. Breathe in slowly and deeply via your nose, letting your lungs fill up entirely, and then release the air slowly and thoroughly. Maintain this regular breathing pattern while concentrating on how your body feels the breath coming in and going out.

Concentrate on experiences: As you keep inhaling deeply and picture the light of the moon, notice any physical or mental experiences that come to mind. Observe how the energy of the Moon settles over you, providing a calm and peaceful feeling.

Give Thanks: Give the Moon a moment of your appreciation for being here and for the nourishing energy it brings. Express gratitude for any realisations or healing that came to you throughout the meditation.

Stay Present: Give yourself permission to thoroughly immerse yourself in the sensation of being under the Moon’s calming light by remaining in this state of meditation for as long as it feels comfortable. If you find your thoughts straying, gently return them to your breathing and the energy of the moon.

Conclude Mindfully: As soon as you’re prepared to conclude the meditation, gently return your focus to your immediate environment. Breathe deeply a few times, then slowly open your eyes. When you return to your everyday life, keep this sensation of calm and connectedness with you as you consider any realisations or emotions that surfaced throughout the exercise.

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