The Planet KETU – Part 2

Lineage and Ketu

Ketu tells you that one can attain true happiness only by being free from all attachments. And what a wonder when we are talking about planets where the last one we talk about is Ketu. That is, after knowing all the planets that give rise to the urge to satisfy our external desires, we sit in the discussion of the planet that is truly free from bondage. Ketu is the planet of freedom from bondage. In Ketu’s mahadasa or antardasha, people get a chance to taste liberation. It is seen that in many cases a family member is passing away or someone new is born in the family. Someone new is being born i.e. the soul which seeks liberation to be born once again is taking birth in this family because a member of this family is having Ketu period in his/her birth chart. Ketu gives the opportunity to bring that soul into the family. So if an astrologer tells someone during the period of Ketu whether there has been a death or a birth in his family, then the possibility of the answer being yes cannot be ruled out.

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When is Ketu the best guide?

First, we need to know that Ketu is a fakir who has no needs. Secondly – the karaka planet of spirituality is Ketu. The ninth house is the house to show people the right path. A person having 9th Ketu in the chart can be a good astrologer and can help guide people in a great way if the person keeps himself away from material associations and leads a simple life. Because he is able to activate Ketu in his life by living close to earth and his Ketu is sitting in 9th and that person is doing astrology. Those who come to this type of astrologer to solve the problems of life then they get the right path and all their problems are solved in that path philosophy. The question may arise in your mind that Jupiter is the guide, so why is Ketu being talked about? Jupiter’s house is the 9th house and the 9th house is therefore the guide. Ketu is a spiritual planet. So spiritual guidance-giving planet here is Ketu which gives guidance so that man can overcome the crisis. What is the work of astrology brother !!!! These types of astrologers do not trade in astrology. When Ketu is in the 9th, in most cases the first child will be a boy. If it is different, the Ketu of the native is problematic.

The causative planet of lineage

The meaning of the word lineage is pedigree. In every pedigree, there exists Kuladevta. People are in trouble if they do not worship Kuldevta God properly and do not perform activities correctly without taking his permission. Kuldevta is a deity who is worshipped from generation to generation in the lineage of a clan and in many cases, a family is seen worshipping its ancestor as Kul deity. Kula Deity exists as a spiritual power in a family and this deity protects the family from various dangers. In some families, it is seen that the same problem is passed down from generation to generation. For example, there are many families where it is seen that from generation to generation the marriage of girls in that family is not satisfactory. Problems in the profession of men can be observed in the family from generation to generation. The family is carrying the same problem generation after generation and the root of such a problem is none but Ketu because Ketu means root. Our ancestors are the root of our lineage and the word Pitra refers to Ketu. A family in which pitra is properly worshipped can overcome many problems.

Rahu VS Ketu as a giver

The meaning of this word given by Rahu is what Rahu is giving to a native in this birth. This offer is applicable for this birth only. As Ketu is a hereditary trait (mentioned earlier) the giving of Ketu is not limited to this birth only. The features you produce will carry over into future generations. So when Ketu is placed in the 9th it entitles the native to give extraordinary spiritual guidance. Astrology is part of such a spiritual practice.

Ketu and Trine

There are basically four kinds of triangles in the zodiac chart. Dharma Trikon is formed with one five and nine houses. A money triangle is formed with two six tens houses. Three, seven and eleven form the Kama Trikon and four, eight and twelve forms the Moksha Trikon. So if you remember the characteristics of Ketu, you can easily understand which triangle is right for Ketu. Yes, you have guessed right as Ketu is the karaka of Moksha if it sits in the moksha trikona would be the ideal placement of Ketu.  In other words, Moksha Trikon is ideal for Ketu as it shows liberation or mukti that can break the chain of rebirth. We see Mukti or liberation from the twelfth house so when Ketu is in the twelfth it is a very strong placement of Ketu. Ketu is the planet of giving. From the twelfth house we see the sacrificing nature of the native (house of expenses) Ketu is very suitable in this house. If a native having Ketu in twelfth does not hesitate to sacrifice then Ketu Maharaja gives him abundance in life.

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to be continued

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