Weekly Rashifal (11.03.24  –  17.03.24)

                             Weekly Rashifal

                         11.03.24  –  17.03.24  

Aries : There may be difficulty in making any decision. Memory loss may occur. Manipulation may develop and you may take unorthodox actions. Opportunity to go abroad may come. Your imagination power may increase.

Financial improvement is being observed. Focus on what you want will increase. You can get help from your network. You can get the help of a woman who can help fulfill your desire. Those who do business will increase their business acumen. An increase in profit is possible at this moment.

Taurus : The possibility of getting new friends at this time.  Favorable period for those studying science. This week is a fruitful time for those who do business. Your business skills will increase which will enable you to bring better profits.

Career improvement is seen and your status and reputation will increase at the workplace. Not only that it will remain intact. The time to earn good money is going on so I think it is very important to use the time. The wisdom to balance home and outdoor work will emerge beautifully. No matter what you do, you will develop an artistic mindset. For example, when you cook, you can do it in an artistic way. Good time for those who do movies, and serials and those who are engaged in the clothes business.

Gemini : Important week for career especially those who want to go abroad for a career. The week bears particular significance for those involved in fluid handling or any profession related to water. There will also be scope for improvement if you are involved in marketing or accounts work. But in the case of those who have bad Mercury in their chart, opportunities may be missed due to carelessness and lack of proper application of intelligence.

Disillusionment with religion may arise. You may have an urge to do something for those people who are living in distress in our society. Animosity with the father can be removed. Those who are newly married may progress in their careers. The week is good for those associated with fashion, cosmetics, and expensive goods business. You can have a pleasant time with friends. Travel to distant places may also take place.

Cancer : Those who are scientists and involved in research work may notice improvement in their careers. Those who are associated with music are also likely to have a good career. The sweetness of your voice will increase. Improvement in the relationship between a father and a respectable person can be held. However, you can find to make stable decisions at this time. Men who are getting married this week will unlock their fortunes after marriage. A sudden financial gain may happen in your life. You may develop a tendency to keep everything a secret. Secret pleasures may occur and there is a possibility of a secret convergence. Inadvertent events may occur in the e-marital relationship.

Leo :  Good time for those who are in the astrology profession or associated with any occult work. At this time career improvement is being observed. Health improvement is observed. However, you will have an increased tendency to gain physical pleasure. You may get the scope to possess any parental property. But you have to stop yourself from telling lies. Skin problems may occur and foot problems may occur. Happiness will return in married life. Selfishness may increase in you. Spouses are likely to be attracted towards creativity. But you can get involved in extra-relational affairs.

Virgo : There will be complications in marital life and where the relationship is already bad, more complications will be added. You may suffer from impotence. As your intelligence increases, your progress in your studies is being noticed. There is an increase in business especially those dealing in liquid products. You may have a relationship with a prestigious woman. However, there may be situations where you may get involved in disputes with ladies. During this time the hobby of petting can develop. Those who are associated with social work will gain respect. You may have to spend more time outside than at home. Sugar levels may increase and kidney problems may occur.

Libra : The ability to subdue the enemy by your intelligence will increase. However, during the week, the mood may deteriorate. Those who are studying can face the competition. There may be problems with digestion. Can suffer from skin problems. Imagination will increase. Good time for those who work with software especially those who are software developers. Enjoy entertainment. The beginning of a new relationship. Improvement in a love relationship. This week is good for those who are associated with various arts like painters, singers etc. Those who were suffering from any physical problems will get some relief this week. Status and prestige will increase. The child’s success is observed.

Scorpio : There may be opportunities to study abroad. A problem may arise in studies. Athletes and those games that involve legs and the players of these kinds of games may suffer from foot injuries. Illicit love can increase tension. A good time for those who are involved in the art of dance though foot injury may occur. Good time for those who work as clerks or in administration. A job may change. You will try to keep the house clean. Many will be eager to buy a car. Your mother’s health may improve. You can plan to buy a new flat. Good time for those studying chemistry. Also, those who want to study pharmacy will take the initiative to take admission.

Sagittarius : Those who are associated with the work of software, trading, communication or marketing will see progress in their careers. Success in creative activities is observed. The mother’s health may deteriorate and she may have problems with her legs or you may feel sad about the mother. Can leave motherland for education. Many people may cheat others just to fulfil their own wishes. There may be a desire to do many things at once. Relationship with sister may improve. If you have skill in any art, you may be inclined to do that job. Good times for writers. You can get great help from your wife.

Capricorn : Your communication will increase and you may need to travel to maintain contact for any reason. A lack of stability in communication. It means that what you commit can be subject to change. The field of communication will be quite strong for those involved in publication, media, and advertising work. This week is important for those who are writers, journalists and teachers. You will pay more attention to whether your presence is becoming attractive to people. Those who sing can be admired for their melodious voice. One may develop an inclination towards collecting jewellery. You may want to be more attached to your family.

Aquarius : Material intelligence will rise and loyalty to family will increase. Diplomacy will increase in conversation. There is a tendency to resort to lies. Or excessive talking you can say. Earnings in business will increase. There is an association of money coming in through dishonest means. Joining a family business may happen. Self-centeredness may occur at this time. Whether you are presentable to others will come to mind. You can spend more time on your clothes and accessories. You want to be something in life. People will appreciate your knowledge of the arts. Your vision will be more focused on something more beautiful.

Pisces: A good sense of humor will emerge but it is important to remember that nothing too much is good. Favorable period for those who are comedians. New jokes may be born in you. Concentration in studies will increase and you will open your mind to maths. However, many of you may also tend to forget. There may be a problem with the documentation. You may get confused about something and have trouble making decisions. Multiple thoughts may come to mind and it may be difficult to focus on one particular thing. Multiple thoughts may come to mind and it may be difficult to focus on one particular thing. Overthinking will increase the pressure on the head. A sense of indulgence may develop. There is a possibility of good bed pleasure.


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