Weekly Rashifal(06.05.24  –  12.05.24)

                              Weekly Rashifal

                          06.05.24  –  12.05.24

 Aries : The entry of a third person can create an atmosphere of turmoil in married life. The chances of facing financial problems will increase. You can trace the grooms abroad. If you take any initiative to go abroad, it can be successful. There may be opportunities to gain property from foreign sources. In many cases, even if you do not face any loss, you can show the loss to someone else, like you can show your financial loss in income tax returns.

Taurus : Money can be made through legitimate or illegitimate means. The aspirations of your mind will increase to a great extent and you may take an aggressive role to fulfill these aspirations. You can be deceived by thinking of the wrong person as a friend or get hurt by his wrong advice. Caution should be exercised in social interactions. Those associated with fire-related business may increase their profits. Those who are brokers dealing with property buying and selling may increase their earnings to a great extent.

Gemini : The sense of responsibility will increase and this may lead to complications in the workplace. If you do politics, you can face unexpected situations like arguments, riots etc. Those who are looking for police, or army jobs may suddenly get that opportunity. Moderation of speech is required or loss of respect is present this week. Property gains are added. There may be disagreement with your father or child. There are hints of getting involved in corruption this week.

Cancer : There may be an opportunity to learn some foreign technology. Unprecedented opportunities can come to those who want to study technical subjects abroad. There may be an opportunity to study marine engineering. Any incongruous actions can be a sharer of bad name. Unnecessary rebukes can be heard from those who are too close to you. Access to ancestral property can become complicated due to the interference of an unwanted person. To maintain one’s place in politics, one may have to face lots of challenges.

Leo :  You can be plagued with problems of piles. The daily routine can be disrupted due to sudden physical pain. Legal complications may increase and your problem may be exacerbated by increased impulsiveness. Rushing on the roads is absolutely inappropriate. Deficiency in digestion may occur and there is a possibility of increased discomfort due to gas generation. Fear may be acting up on the inside but on the outside, you may be acting brave. Body temperature may rise.

Virgo : You may suffer from constipation. May suffer physical abuse in married life. Any indirect pressure may be imposed on you. You can hear bad words from someone. A situation may arise where your marriage can be held forcefully. Intercaste marriage may take place. Your partner’s ego may grow to catastrophic proportions and there are signs of a marriage breakup for this reason. Involvement in illegal relationships is involved. There may be fraud in the business and one may have to bear losses for it. If you’re not careful, you could be a victim of fraud.

Libra : Legal complications may increase. Enmity is bound to increase. Many more enemies will win and the judgment of the law will come in your favor. One may be a victim of hidden enmity and may even be a victim of emotional harassment at the workplace. Getting a bank loan can be complicated and may involve a lot of negotiation to get your loan approved. You can also do some charity without any selfish motive. You can clarify your transparency to your partners.

Scorpio : You may face complications in having children. There may be a problem in the operation. Children’s level of mischief will increase. Students can cheat while studying. It will be difficult to understand any learning quickly. Incorrect logic may be applied. Appreciation of the work of others will increase the tendency to bring it to oneself. In other words, trying to pass the work done by others as one’s own can be the problem of the native. Those handling administration and management may excel in their work.

Sagittarius : Body weight may increase. Heart problems may go away. Acidity, gas, and blood problems may occur. An atmosphere of unrest will be created in the house. Positive times are going for those who do real estate brokerage. A new property can create an inclination to buy. You may get involved in property disputes. You should take care of your mother’s health. Many of you can lend a helping hand to others. You can take the lead in decorating your home with exotic items.

Capricorn : Your job may change. Stress will increase at work. You can get into conflict with your superiors. In many cases, the native may want to retire voluntarily. If someone is in police custody, you can get bail. You may have to pay a penalty in some cases. If you are a member of a joint family then you can try for property partition. Being hurt about something can lead to a tendency to escalate the matter to a wrong note. Disagreement may happen with the sibling. You may connect to those persons who are not good-natured.

Aquarius: Even if your business suffers a loss, it is likely to be recovered. You can lie with confidence and if it is like that then please control yourself because it can lead to loss of fortune. You will be attracted to eating spicy food and there is a possibility of stomach infection. There is a possibility of the reduction in property and there is also a possibility of it being stolen. Savings may decrease or least savings may increase. A blood problem may occur. There may be an issue with the throat gland.

Pisces: There may be problems in physical health. Interest in technology may increase and you may buy electronic goods. A lot of anger can come in the head. Due to strong courage, the inclination to do any adventure will be born. Ego will increase. Because of this, there may be chaos in the world. Separation can happen in love. If you don’t think about what you say when you talk, it can lead to misunderstandings with people. Care must be taken as you can speak disrespectfully to the elders of the house.

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